A few days ago

I took an IQ test a while ago…?

I took an IQ test like 3 months ago on the internet and it said, at the end of the test, that my IQ was 72. The following day when I was at school, my teacher started discussing about what IQ meant, but he did not talk about score ranges. After class, I went up to him and said my IQ is 72 and he started smiling. I think that he didn’t believe me or something… What is wrong with him and what does that score mean!?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Descriptive Classifications of Intelligence Quotients

IQ Description % of Population

130+ Very superior 2.2%

120-129 Superior 6.7%

110-119 High average 16.1%

90-109 Average 50%

80-89 Low average 16.1%

70-79 Borderline 6.7%

Below 70 Extremely low 2.2%

It means he doesn’t believe your I.Q. is that low and neither do I. Internet I.Q. tests are not a valid test for I.Q. though, so don’t worry. You can buy an actual I.Q. test from bn.com or amazon.com or ask your school about testing.



A few days ago
Anything in the 70’s range is considered “below average.” Most people fall somewhere between 90-110. 110-130 is considered “above average.” 130-140 is considered “gifted,” and anything over 140 is classified as “genius.”

I high school my mother made me take an IQ test because I had ADHD, and she was convinced I was smarter than I was performing in school. At age 10 I scored a 86 … which was fairly “average.” A few years ago I took an IQ test as part of a study I participated in that was trying to find a correlation between IQ and retention of non-native languages. I scored a 142 on that one.

Albert Einstein never took an IQ test, but most experts consider his IQ was somewhere in the 180-200 range.

Personally, I wouldn’t put too much weight into IQ tests … many people who are very smart do not test well, and will always earn low IQ scores (even though they are smart). It is not the final authority on how “smart” you are. And like many of things in life … its just another number. For better or for worse you shouldn’t let it influence your self esteem.


A few days ago
Some of the IQ tests you find online are not accurate. Obviously, you are well above the 72. Your teacher must have thought you were joking. I think an average IQ score is around 105-110. Try another one if you like, but keep in mind, if you do it online, you may not get accurate results.

A few days ago
The score means that you got a 72% out of the whole test. You IQ is different (higher). If you IQ was 72, you’d be a total moron! Although, the tests on the internet aren’t always legit. Your teacher was probably smiling because he knows you IQ is higher than that. So don’t always trust the internet’s IQ tests.

A few days ago
The average IQ is exactly 100, so you scored 28 points below average. That isn’t good. Your teacher probably just smiled because he didn’t want to say anything to hurt your feelings.

A few days ago
If you IQ was 72…believe me you wouldnt be able to use the internet and ask this question. I think your teacher laughed because he thought you was trying to be funny. He wouldnt be a special ed teacher…..(just kiddin)…but dont sweat it those internet quizes are just to mess with you so u can spend your money, i took onw b4. Hope that helped.

A few days ago
Hey! Ya, honestly, it’s a low score. But look, George Bush’s IQ is 92 (paper, official) and still President of US. Then, you could be mmm…. let’s say, a senator from Tenesse or at least Nebraska. Good luck!

A few days ago
lynne c
72 is below averagel i guess, and IQ test on internet is not as good as taking IQ test in real coz in real it is time limited whether you finish it or not you have to pass it, maybe he doesnt believe you coz your IQ is so low..

A few days ago
Pretty Woman
It’s a bad score

A few days ago
72 is borderline retarted.