A few days ago

Live in, rehab program for young adults with behavior issues?

I’m seeking a ranch or some sort of live in program for a home schooled 24 yr. old man. He has had very little social inter reaction and has poor hygiene, no routine, no manual dexterity. He needs to be trained and programmed in how to get up everyday, clean himself and go do some sort of work. He is not motivated unless it is his stomach growling or a video game he wants to buy. He also needs to take spelling, English and writing classes.Does anyone know where I can find a place that will take him and teach him something and turn him into a productive young man. He isn’t crazy , just un trained.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think you have to look for a program that is approptiate to the age of your son who is now 24 years old. A treatment program. Most treatment programs are based on the proposition that the first task is to develop a response repertoire that allows the person to begin to interact with his or her environment. If the treatment program is sufficiently detailed and intensive and if the tasks to be learned are broken into manageablecomponent parts, then some meaningful gains can be made.

A few days ago
Has he had any formal testing? Most states require testing scores to show that someone is lower functioning to qualify for placement in residential facilities.If he does qualify, they will offer education and job placement at the facility. Other than that, have you looked into any clinical diagnosis, like depression? You can generally contact your county or state’s department of education or job and family services to get more information on programs or placement criteria. You have to see a psychologist or therapist for clinical diagnosis. Hope this helps