A few days ago

If I’m planning for a future in pediatrics or nursing what SAT subject test should I take with regards that I’

not strong in chemistry, good in biology and english, but mediocre in math

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You want to get better in chemistry! It is pretty important, and some biology is derived from chemistry.

As for SAT subject tests, take what you know you will score high.


A few days ago
John Doe
It depends what year in high school you are in. If you are a freshman or sophmore, I suggest you try taking a whole bunch of SAT II tests. Take the Chemistry and Math even though you are just ok at it because if you don’t do well, you don’t have to report it. Also, if you do halfway decent, at least the colleges know you took a shot at it and you care about your education. If you are a junior or senior, I suggest you just take the ones you feel very confident in getting a high score on. Its best if you take 2 or 3 SAT II test if you are a junior or senior now.