Help too much pressure at school for my son?
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That way they don’t’ have to provide a teacher that deals with the specific cause of your son’s disability. Most of the time they don’t have teachers who are taught to deal with specific disabilities. This is how I got my daughter and out of our department of education and into the private school for children with disabilities that she’s in now. My daughter deals with dyslexia and some processing issues along with fine motor skill issues and a NIP a non specific reading disability. It’s not unusual for a child to have one or more disabilities at the same time. Contact your son’s pediatrician if he does not have a therapist and see if they can recommend a nureo-psychologist a person who test people for learning disabilities. And make sure that they do a complete assessment. IQ, academic.and educational. That will give you the best idea of what his disabilities are and make sure that the person gives recommendations as to what they think that your son will need to succeed in school. After you find that out get all of the medical professionals that deal with your son to write letters recommending the same things that the nureo-psychologist has suggested. That will let the school system know that you’re taking this seriously and that you expect them to also.
Is he on an IEP yet at all or is the assessment only for dyscalculia?
I used to try and “go back” to fill in the gaps as you describe but with certain learners, you would be there until they were ninety!
What I have done in the last few years, in effort to keep the kids mainstreamed, is to modify the work. Past about 11 or 12 yrs old it is time to think about bringing higher thinking skills down to his level rather than always developing skills. By this I mean using calculators to aide with the calculation so that the process is taught w/o the added strain of memorizing facts.
You don’t really say what skills he is lacking but it sounds like he could handle the grade level logic and thinking problems too. A clever SPED teacher should be making these modifications. So many skills can be solved w/o drills and pages upon pages of timed tests. All our states standards are thinking, application problems.
Self-esteem is vital- fight for his self-worth and you will teach him to circumvent his difficulty. Many successful adults have this condition and use technology to overcome it! It’s time schools get out of the one room school house syndrome where all the kids wrote out their lessons on slates, so to speak! Good luck!
You have the final say in the child’s IEP, they cannot implement the IEP unless you sign it; and you must by law be included in the writing of his IEP. They will not be allowed do like they did by making him take 3rd grade math unless you approve. That don’t mean he’ll go to special ed classes because under IDEA they do Least Restrictive Enviroment. The law begins with the assumption that, to the maximum extent possible, children with disabilities should be educated with their non-disabled peers. Once the child’s needs are assessed and necessary services and supports are determined, the placement options should begin with the regular or inclusive classroom. Children with disabilities do not have to start in a more restrictive or separate class and then “earn” the right to move to a less restrictive placement. If it is found that a regular education classroom would not meet the child’s needs, even with support services, then another option may be pursued. Keep in mind that the child with a disability must benefit from the placement. The child should not be “dumped” in a classroom where the child is not receiving an appropriate education.
The law specifies that educational placement should be determined individually for each child, based on that child’s specific needs, not solely on the diagnosis or category. No one program or amount of services is appropriate for all children with disabilities.
“Child Find.” The state must identify, locate, and evaluate all children with disabilities in the state who need special education and related services. To do so, states conduct “Child Find” activities. A child may be identified by “Child Find,” and parents may be asked if the “Child Find” system can evaluate their child. Parents can also call the “Child Find” system and ask that their child be evaluated. Or —
Referral or request for evaluation. A school professional may ask that a child be evaluated to see if he or she has a disability. Parents may also contact the child’s teacher or other school professional to ask that their child be evaluated. This request may be verbal or in writing. Parental consent is needed before the child may be evaluated. Evaluation needs to be completed within a reasonable time after the parent gives consent.
I would demand that they give him an assessment ASAP. If they don’t I would go directly to the schoolboard. Don’t sound like they have assessed him in a reasonable amount of time. I
Sounds like they’re going on the skin of their heals. Trying this first and trying that second and then try the same thing again! Who wouldn’t be stressed under such circumstances?
Don’t except the “waiting list” thing for another moment. Why should your child continue to suffer because you aren’t being listened to? It’s like they’re telling you, “you don’t know anything so just leave it to us because that’s our job and we know more than you.” In the mean time nothing is really changing.
As I was once told, sometimes you have to put these counselor’s in their place. Their heads get too big. How true that is. I finally had to tell a counselor (working with my grandchild) that he was totally out of line and totally unprofessional. At that time (1 & 1/2 yrs. ago) I was asked to sit in with my daughter and grandchild during home visits and that’s when I opened my mouth. Talked to another professional person who said I was right about the above.
Now it’s time that you are heard. You have gone along with the program (schools advice) and you can see it’s not working and how your son is beginning to go down hill with all his other subjects. So what’s going to happen about that?
There’s nothing wrong with special ed. class for math. But do agree with you, it’s being over done to the point that he’s failing the other classes.
Other grand daughter had problems with sounds (words) and brought home a pack of cards with certain words she was having difficulty with. Just about the same thing as flash cards, but teacher made them herself.
While asking about the assessment and that you will no longer continue for your sons name to be called from this waiting list. Your son is too important to you especially when you are not being listened to. After all’s said, suggest flash cards can be taken home so you can work with him that way. Simply put, too much is just too much. He also needs to make gains in his other subjects.
It’s time the school gives back your son’s self worth. If you have to start writing letters to anyone you can think of for more support for you and your son then start writing away. There’s always someone these teachers and professionals have to answer too. Find out where there are support groups just for this kind of thing. Call Social Services because you are concerned about your sons education. Don’t forget to mention there HAS NOT been an assessment done yet. Also mention that you have been diagnosed with dyslexious
and you suspect you son may have the same thing.
Remember, carbon copies to give to the teachers, principal, counselors at the school of the other people you have contacted. Don’t forget about yourself.
When things like this come up, I get angry. As the saying gos, “there will be no child left behind.” You could add parents to that too.
Hope you get heard LOUD and CLEAR.
You HAVE to use these exact words. This way, if they ignore or refuse, you can take further legal action. Schools will NOT tell parents there is a specific legal process in getting child help thru special ed.
THey did not tell you to write this letter. They also did not tell you that when you do write this letter they will have 60 days to do the evals and determine eligibiltiy.
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