A few days ago

What should i be when i grow up? :S?

I really have no idea what to be and what i would like to study :SSS

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There are so many things here to consider: first I am wondering how old you are & what subjects in school you are best in? You can take a career assessment exam at a local job service center or community college, oftentimes it is free. These tests are easy to take & very accurate in determining the areas you are best suited for. Make some calls to see where you can take this exam & if there is a fee. Also, even if you start out in one field of work, that doesn’t mean it is where you have to stay…sometimes it takes awhile to discover what you really are good at & what you like to do. Good Luck to You!

A few days ago
Decided how much money you will need to live the way you want to live. Figure out which professions will give you that amount of money. Decide which one of those professions you would enjoy doing for 20 plus years. Find out what it takes to be in that profession. Then get the education and experience needed to achieve your goal. Good luck *smiles*

A few days ago
That is what I’m thinking too! I’m 21 and in college but I had a brain injury two and a half years ago which ruined my memory. Maybe I’ll study photography.

A few days ago
You can be a number of things when you grow up. If you have any hobbies, see what you’re best at. Are you best at playing the piano? Become a piano player. Something like that. Keep increasing your hobbies so that when you grow up, if you can’t be a piano player, you can atleast be a singer.

A few days ago
Some grown ups study, some work for a living. As for me, I teach. I like this better.

Most people change their major at least once. Go to college and take general courses. You will find your path.

Find something that will make you happy that you’ll be good at.

Students say, “Study, duh, what’s that”.

I know, I have students.

Do I need a doctor?


A few days ago
No one can answer that for you what sort of things do you like make a career out of that. i like planes i want to work in the aviation industry

A few days ago
You really need to narrow it down to your interests. For example: If you’re computer saavy, perhaps you can pursue a degree in computer science.

A few days ago
Alan H
Become a school crossing attendant, you won’t have to start work until you’re 65!!