A few days ago

What is your favourite quote and why?

It can be an inpirational, love, death, faimly, etc. quote. Anything that means something to you! I just love quotes and think they are so meaningful.

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
Pete K

Favorite Answer

“If fifty million people say a foolish thing,

it is still a foolish thing.”

Anatole France, novelist (1844 – 1924)

Regardless of how many people condone

a stupid idea, it won’t change the fact that

it is a stupid idea!


A few days ago
My favourite quote comes from a poem by Robert Burns called “Tam o´Shanter. This is about a memory of a person who was dear to me.

Love is like the poppies spread,

you grasp the flower it´s bloom is shed.

Like a snowflake falls in the river.

A moment white, then gone forever.


A few days ago
My favorite quote is “NOTHiNG LASTS FOREVER. SO LiVE iT UP, DRiNK iT DOWN, LAUGH iT OFF, AVOiD THE DRAMA, TAKE THE CHANCES, AND NEVER HAVE REGRETS BECAUSE AT ONE POiNT EVERyTHiNG yOU DiD WAS EXACTLy WHAT yOU” that falls perfectly in my life right now. && i also LOVE quotes. They honestly do help me get through tough times =]]

A few days ago
“when we die we will not remember the words of our enimies but the silence of our friends” – Marthur Luther King Jr.

it shows that our enimies words do not matter but the silence of our friends shows who is a friend and who isnt


A few days ago
the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do

Walter bagehot


A few days ago
My sweet & labyrinthine.
dream like you’ll live forever. live like you’ll die today.

if all my friends were to jump off a bridge, i wouldn’t follow. i’d be at the bottom to catche them when they fall.


A few days ago
“The true measurement of love is love without measure.”

A few days ago
“Don’t ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.” Robert Frost

A few days ago
Tell Mariee
These are some of my fav quotes…Enjoy! And yea i kno its alot!

Do anything and everything in life… because there’s gonna come a time when you think back when you were just a kid; When you’re biggest fear was that Santa Claus was gonna give you coal for Christmas. That you’d stick your tooth under our pillow, and t he tooth fairy would forget to leave you a 5 dollar bill…And that it wouldn’t cross the Easter Bunny’s mind to leave you a basket of treats. Then you’ll see that you’re only fear you can’t seem to get over is the fear that all those little childhood worries are just gonna be memories… and before you know it, you’d be the one saying, “ Wow, those were the days…”

She changed her hair, painted her nails, and renewed her wardrobe; She changed herself because she wanted to be noticed by the jock that every girl fell for… But while she was doing so, she lost her [ number 1 ] secret admirer. The guy that thought she was perfect when she wore too much make-up, and when she dressed in ripped jeans. The guy that dreamt about being with her, while she dreamt of being with another…

“Sometimes, you gotta teach yourself how to get up from a hard fall… cuz if you call for someone’s help… they just might push you back down…. ”

There was once a girl who hung out with her friends every Friday night. A girl who would say Lol after every 4 words, she would laugh when she slipped while ice-skating, and just flowed through life without a problem. Over the summer, the girl fell, but not from ice-skating, no, but for a boy. He was perfect; Perfect hair, smile, everything…he told her he loved her one day. But little did she know she was caught in his trap. Days later, she got a call from him saying, “I don’t love you anymore, you’re not worth the affection…” and the phone was hung up. School started, and the girl walked to lunch alone, laughed, but only when she thought about how stupid she was to fall for him, and discarded all of her friends from any future “Friday night fun.” What happened to the up-beat loving girl? I’m really starting to miss her more and more.

And sometimes I wish I was still 6 years old. Because the hardest thing I had to deal with then, was Ken breaking Barbie’s heart. But now…now I must be Barbie, because Ken simply destroyed me…

Imagine a world without war. A world without AIDS. A world never poor, because everyone got paid. A world with clean air, so everyone could breathe. A world where leukemia didn’t still your hair, and where going blind allowed you to see. Imagine a world with endless dreams, dreamt will all eyes open. A world filled with sunshine beams, and words for the def spoken. Imagine a world in color, and the black and [white] will soon go, a world where we love each other, and where every star can glow.

For being the girl who never lets herself think anything will go right, who never lets herself get too excited cause she knows she`ll be let down, who never lets herself like that guy too much just incase, who`s more disappointed each time she`s right about all of the bad situations she comes up with in her head, who stuck by friends who she only later found out were talking about her behind her back, who once felt like she found a real friend then was stabbed in the back again, who has parents who just don`t & won`t listen when she tells them that, who gets ignored on a daily basis, who feels invisible to even important people in her life, who has gone through a day being able to count the amount of words she spoke on two hands, who goes to sleep feeling alone, who just can`t wait for things to one day be better & different. This is for you girls. These girls have more strength than any other every day ordinary people, & never once in their life get recongized for it. These are the girls who deserve amazing boyfriends, & amazing friends, & don`t always get them. Sometimes people have to settle for what they have, but if someone can live through hell. Then they deserve to make it somewhere better.

Yes, I understand now. I know that I`m always that girl. Never the girl. Just that girl, the one that gets used, hurt, lied to, betrayed, confused. The one that boys go to when they need someone to hold onto. The one that`s never the girl, I`m always the second best. Never have I been the one to make boys fall weak at the knees, drop everything cause they love me so much, want nothing more than to be with me, be amazingly happy cause they have me. I`m the other girl. & I`m getting used to being her.

Every girl wants “prince charming”..& while he may be nice & all, I`m thinking I`d rather have the guy that`s gunna call at 4 AM just to say hi, or someone who`ll stop by my house after just hanging up the phone cause he wants to see how I`m really doing. Cause I said I was fine, but we both know I`m lying. Or the guy who`ll stay home on a Saturday night with me cause I`m sick & bring me my favorite kind of candy..even though I can`t eat it cause my stomach flips at the idea. That guy ;; that one guy..he may not be prince charming to anyone else..but he`d be my hero. My knight in shining armor. <3 Time is tricky. You have whole months, even years, when nothing changes a speck, when you don`t go anywhere or do anything or think one new thought. & then you can get hit with a day or an hour, or half a second, when so much happens it`s almost like you`re born all over again into some brand-new person you for damn sure never expected to meet. No decision you make is wrong as long as it`s yours. I`m living for something I can`t even explain I can't really tell you who i am, because to me, i'm a mix of different things. i watch tv shows that other people may find ridiculous. i have hobbies that some people may find weird. i play sports where i might not be the all-star of the team, but i have the determination to try. these qualities are what make me, me. & if you can't learn to accept that, then you obviously don't know the meaning of acceptance. I know you think we're better off friends, & you don't want to ruin what we have now, but how do you know if you never try? we could be the couple everyone wishes they could be. we could be completely in love, & we'd never know because you were too afraid to take the chance, & make something more beautiful then it already is. Im not your exgirlfriend Im more like the best thing you ever let go I wish I could pause everything. I wish i could put my life on hold, just for a second. I wish I freeze my tears for a little while. I wish I could put emotions on layaway until I know how to handle them. There’s a difference between, “You can’t have everything in life,” and, “You can’t talk without taking action.” Believe me, I would grant all my wishes if I had the power. But I don’t. So the only other choice I have is to close my eyes, and runaway. Bend down to my knees and just pray. Be thankful for what I have this very day. And for everything I’ve been blessed to say. Depend on no one because in life there’s a road you take. And one day, that road splits in two. At the end of each road is success, or failure. This isn’t a “guessing game,” it’s a, “You’re the only one that can choose your destiny.” By depending on no one, you make your own decision on you’re life. So choose wisely because either way, there’s no one to blame around you. Yesterday was a day before today. Tomorrow is after today. Today is after yesterday, but before tomorrow. Yesterday is behind both tomorrow and today. Today is between yesterday and tomorrow. So tomorrow will be today after yesterday. Which ever way it goes… live for right now. Because those days aren’t guaranteed… not even to the richest man Flashback; Turn back in time where you used to sit 4 hours watching the Rugrats. Where you wouldn’t ever leave your house without your nano baby, and when Blues Clues was actually challenging. Rewind back to the times when your favorite shows were Doug, Ren & Stimpy, Pinky and the Brain, AAAAAAAH Real Monsters!, and Rocko’s modern Life. When you watched re-runs of TGIF, Step by Step, Family Matters, Dinosaurs, and Boy Meets World. When you remember reading every series of Goosebumps, or in that case, remember listening to your mom read them as she grew bored and bored and as you grew more excited as to what would happen next. When bringing plastic cartoon lunch boxes to school was pretty much cool, and saying “NOT,” after every sentence was the way to talk. When every argument was settled by rock paper scissors, bubble gum bubble gum in a dish, or daddy had a donkey inky binky bonky. When cops and robbers was a daily activity, and when hide and go seek was put to pause only when it was snack time. The days when we used to actually obey our parents and when the radio was all we depended on for music. When you knew that Kimberly, the pink ranger, and Tommy, the green ranger, were meant to be together. When you always wanted to send in a tape to America's Funniest Home Videos . . . but never taped anything funny…so you gave up. When the Magic School Bus made you think that school buses could fly, and when yo-yos made you popular. When getting married meant buying your crush a Ring Pop, and blabbing some random words behind the dumpster. When reading that little paper in the fortune cookie meant everything to you because it predicted your life. The days when you could tell furbie all your little secrets and expect him to talk back, and when Beanie Babies were the talk of the class. When you got creeped out by "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" And when you knew the Macarena by heart. When you lied to your parents to bring you to McDonalds because you were starving, when really, you wanted to play in the play place. When gas was $0.95 a gallon & Caller ID was a new thing, and when checking out drawing books and "Rainbow Fish" from the library was the cool thing to do. Before we realized all this would eventually disappear we didn’t bother to think of how good things were. Flashback…to the world we live in now. You think you know who your true friends are? wait till high school & see who's there for you when your ex boyfriend spreads rumors about you. Think you'll never do drugs? Wait till it's right there in front of you & all your "friends" are doing it. Think your tough? Wait till you say the wrong thing to the wrong person-see who backs down first. Think you're smart? Wait till you have an English paper, science project, history test & a 10 minute monologue due tomorrow cause you were absent for 1 day. Think you're cool? wait till you're the only one who doesn't make the sports team, see how cool you are then. you think you're popular? Wait till your parents can't afford the new Hollister jeans everyone has. Think you'll never fall in love? Wait till a guy looks deep in your eyes & says he loves you. Think you'll never get your heart broken? wait till that same guy who said he loved you is holding another girl behind your back. Think you won't have sex? Wait till the guy you think you love says it'll make you closer. Think "nothing's going to happen to you"? Yea wait till you're sitting in a jail cell, wondering how you got caught. Think that you're always going to be your own individual? Well wait till one morning when you look in the mirror & you're just like everybody else. Dear Boy, So maybe you & I were supposed to end this way, both going in our own directions. We are two completely different people and no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't overcome our differences. No, I'm not sad that it's over between us, but yet I'm not happy either. We had something special, but in the end the sparks just didn't cut it. Anyways, I'm mostly writing this letter to tell you I've met someone else, someone else who can make me smile & give me butterflies. Someone who reaches for my hand first and likes to rub my thumb, just like you did. He knows that I love it when boys hold the door open for me & I love to joke around. He makes me happier then I've been in a long time. Maybe he could be the one, who knows? But Boy, I want to thank you, you showed me what love was, what love meant. I hope someday you find the perfect girl, because obviously I never was and never will be; at least not for you. I wish you all the love & happiness in the world; all I ever wanted was for you to be happy and I guess now, I'm finally getting my wish. Goodbye boy, never forget me. I love you! Sincerely, Me I was really only coming to your house that night...to pick up my movies and a few sweatshirts I left there. I wasn't looking for a conversation. I wasn't searching for one last good bye kiss. You had moved on, and I had convinced myself that getting back my stuff... was the last step, and then I too would move on. But as I grabbed the movies off the shelf and turned to face you for the last time... I felt my heart start to beat faster and the butterflies I kept telling myself weren't there...started to make me smile. And as you came closer my palms started sweating. It was like...the past month, we had forgotten what we made. What we had. And in a matter of minutes, it came back to us. As you put your hand on my face and we kissed...I felt like my heart, slowly became unbroken...and all the tears, were suprisingly worth it...and I realized that maybe losing you was what I needed... to show myself that...you truly are my everything...and then baby, we fell completely in love with eachother...all over again. Do you see her face? girls like that are born with a boyfriend. We go to school for thirteen years & the one thing they never teach us is how to say goodbye.. Here I am sitting here again reading quotes again, With only one person on my mind the whole time. Laugh at stupid jokes. CRY. Get revenge. Apologize. Tell someone how much they really mean to you. Let someone know what they're missing. Laugh till your stomach hurts...live life, because tomorrow's not guaranteed to anyone. I'm sick of pretending I don't care 'cause obviously I do. I'm sick of being treated this way. Especially by you. I don't want to hear that you don't care and you tired of hearing about me, even if it's true. I don't want to hear that you've fogot about me and found someone new when all I can think about is you. News flash : when a girl says she's cold, you're not supposed to say, " me too. " SORRY HUN. BUT UNLIKE YOU, I'M NOT A DOORKNOB WHERE EVERYONE GETS A TURN. I'M MORE OF A CASINO. WHERE ONLY THE LUCKY ONES WIN THE JACKPOT. You know it`s love when the silence between you two is comfortable. The world is going to throw us a million reasons why this isn`t gunna work out between us, but I`m armed with the one reason why it will ; I love you You can`t do this. You can`t put one relationship on hold for another. It`s like call waiting..you leave one person on hold long enough & they`re going to hang up. Love your enemies just in case your friends turn out to be a bunch of bastards Don`t be flattered that he misses you. He should miss you. You`re deeply missable. However, he`s still the same person who just broke up with you. Remember, the only reason he can miss you is cause he`s choosing, everyday, not to be with you. I don`t want your boyfriend. Nobody wants your boyfriend. That's why he`s with you =] Everyone says love hurts. When actually love doesn't hurt. Love didn't leave you for some other girl, it didn't cheat on you, nor did it break your heart. So stop blaming love for once and start blaming the ahole that treated you like crap and gave you up! Two people who broke up could never be friends. But if they are, then they were never in love or they still are. [my ex and I still are…im not really sure which is the case lol] how come guys... "exchange facts" but its assumed girls are"gossiping" "are in a bad mood" but its assumed girls are "pmsing" "are always hungry " but its assumed girls "need to get in shape and lose weight" " just dont want a girlfriend" but its assumed girls "are too ugly to get a guy" Guys get away with things too easily A LIE can travel halfway around the world while the TRUTH is putting on its shoes. Hope you liked them... *Much LOv3* ~God Bless~