A few days ago

What does this quote mean? “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains”?

I want to know some examples of this and what it means. Also its validity.

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

This quote is the opening line of Jacque Rousseau’s “Social Contract.”

He is saying that men are naturally free (that is, they enter the world as free beings) but are then enslaved by civil society.

The social contract is basically the laws and institutions that men create to live civily with one another; but sometimes in a civil society we surrender too much personal freedom.

You have to decide for yourself whether the statement is valid.


A few days ago
It’s America! The Land of the Free! And yet everywhere you turn there are things you can’t do! We have freedom of speach, yet you can’t say that. It’s a place for people to feel safe, yet the security is tighter than ever. It’s a world of hope, yet people who want in are being turned down. They say it’s the Land of the Free, yet we aren’t actually free.

7 years ago
it simply means, as long as some other person (call him whatever you wish) decides the prize you pay for fuel, the tax on your income, time your lunch/coffee break, you will never ever be free. Mankind has been reduced to robots, and on individual basis have conformed to unwanted general dictates which I will refer to here as chains.

A few days ago
leah j
to me it means we are free but as long as we abide by the rules like “Government” , work and pay taxes. you see we are not really free are we? what happens to you if you do not pay taxes? or if you break laws ? can we own guns. not really we must register them. why? so the government knows who owns them in case we go under marshal law. I hope this cleared it up.

A few days ago
complete .
I think it means a man can feel to do whatever he so chooses, but he is bounded by the law, and is not able to do everything he wants…

A few days ago
To me, it means that we put ourselves in chains more often than others do. We try to conform to certain ideas, and when we do so, we are in fact slaves to those ideas.