A few days ago

What does this quote mean? :)?

Every beginning has an end but in life every end is a new beginning.

– Uptown Girls

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It means that change is inevitable and whenever life changes there’s always something new to look forward to.

For example:

A child is born but someday childhood ends and a wonderful new season of adulthood begins.

A student enters college but finally graduation comes and an educated professional has a grand start.

This is a really nice quote because it offers a vision of hope, especially for someone whose past has not been very pleasant.

In other words “Yesterday has come and gone but tomorrow is yet to be”. That’s the circle of life!


A few days ago
it means in every beginning has an end and in life every end is a new beginning

A few days ago
well things always end but in life when something ends there is alway something that is ready to begin…. like when you move that is the end of that but where you move to next is the beginning of a new life style for you..

A few days ago
in re at school we learnt about a Hindu God callled Shiva. Shiva destroyed things to make way for new things. they also believe in re-incarnation; death and re-birth. ladies would pray to it as a kind of… fertility wish or something. sorry, cant remember much about it

this probably isnt what you wanted but that made me think of it,

soooo, you kill a weed, a flower grows in its place.

-someone dies but its the first day of the rest of your life without them.

-the end of one year, the start of the next, the closing of a bar, the opening of a new shop. etc

its quite a nice thought i think.


A few days ago
I take it as meaning that all things come to an end, but that end is just something starting.

I know that’s badly worded, maybe even more confusing to you, but maybe it helps! I hope it does!


A few days ago
uhm. i guess, for example, your in a relationship, and you guys break up, thats the end, but you can always start a new beginning with another person. thats what im guessing. xD

A few days ago
Its like if you close one door, a new one opens. With every opportunity ending, a new one opens up.

A few days ago
I ♥ FMA!
Exactly what is says!