A few days ago
opal fruit

What does this quote mean?

Be the change you want to see the world? by ghandi?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I believe you’ve left out a word…

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Change yourself and be an example. If you want people everywhere in the world to be kind, always be kind to others. Ghandi teaches non-violent solutions to conflicts–and he has always been non-violent in the face of conflict.


A few days ago
Patrick H
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” is the full quote Ghandi said…

It’s really an inspirational quote aiming at getting the average person to stand up and stop waiting for others to solve their problems, if you don’t change a system, who will?


A few days ago
I think we all get tired of people preaching one thing and then doing another, basically he is saying if you have a problem about something do something about it. Instead of just thinking “Oh it’s horrible how 95% of animals that get put into shelters get euthenized” you should go out and either adopt an animal, contribute to a charity, or volunteer some of your time.

Basically save your breath and get off your butt.


A few days ago
Green is my Favorite Color
To me, this means “lead by example.”

Don’t know if its Ghandi or not, though, it sounds like something he would say.


A few days ago
♫ Sweet Honesty ♫
Think of how you want the world to be different and go out and be the force that creates that change.

A few days ago
I think it means that for the world to change, you (people) need to make a move yourself, instead of just waiting for someone else to take action, or something to happen.

A few days ago
Sallal got it totally right. And isn’t it a beautiful quote?

A few days ago
agree with sallal….


the change must begin with the self,within everyone.
