A few days ago

“Technology will one day control man and his destiny.”?

I need help in opposing the above notion. Any suggestions?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
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Who runs the technology? technology does not run itself

A few days ago
It’s a pretty optimistic statement. I mean, whoever believes that is optimistic about the prospects for increasing the power of human technology.

I’m not sure the current situation supports that kind of optimism. Look at some of the natural forces being contended with; Climate, disease, human reproduction leading to overpopulation and famine, other natural human behaviors leading to division and war.

Human technology affects some of these things. It controls none of them.

Are there any prospects that human technology will ever control the climate? Human overpopulation? Famine? Pestilence? War? Where is the support for any of that?

You can’t credibly suggest centralized control of human reproduction in any but the most totalitarian dictatorships.

Human overpopulation is steadily overtaking the best techniques human technology can provide for growing food, at the same time it is destroying arable farmland and generally degrading the enviornment available to grow food in.

Contagious diseases and infections are steadily gaining immunity to the best medicines humans can devise against them.

The world is as politically divided as it has ever been. The prospects for war are as great as they’ve ever been.

These are all aspects of natural forces. Human behavior being included as a natural force of course, which it is.

I think you’ve got the easy end of the argument. You just need to cast doubt on that first very positive statement. Wheras the other side, basically, has to solve all the world’s current problems. Then it can talk about “controlling man and his destiny.”


A few days ago
Sword Lily
Has it or has it not already begun? We live for the television and our PC and our cellphone and the ATM among other technological gadgets. Whether we like to admit it or not, we allow ourselves to be controlled by these things. I challenge anyone who says they are NOT controlled by them to give them up for a week. Technology runs our lives and the fact that we rely on it so heavily only indicates that our world would come crashing down without it. That alone defines our destiny.

A few days ago
Marc G
This is not correct, because man will never be ruled by machines, which is what this implies. Man desires freedom above all else, and will eventually rebel against anything that tries to rule him, whether a dictator, fascism, commumism, or technology.

A few days ago
Billy Dee
Technology is only an extension of man’s will. Perhaps argue the point that the fire was technology for caveman and are technology serves us.