A few days ago

Interpret this mark twain quote?

“You can’t depend on your judgement when your imagination is out of focus”

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Your judgment is based on taking given information and ‘imagining’ the possibilities given that information. When your hear hoof beats in the American west a focused imagination is going to turn up ‘horses’ as the most likely answer. If you are thinking giraffes your imagination is not focused, it’s free flowing and undependable.

A few days ago
Basically is is saying your imagination is important for judgement, because whatever judgements you create in your mind, imagination was there to have created it. If you lack an imagination, your judgements are somewhat thwarted.

A few days ago
You need imagination to counterbalance faulty judgement or you’ll end up making lots of poor decisions.

A few days ago
Maybe it means that you can’t depend on logic for everything…something (or someone) may seem ridiculous or impossible, but if you use a little imagination, you can see it’s true potential. It’s kind of like saying you can’t take life too seriously…imagination is vital!

A few days ago
Far be it from me to interpret Mark Twain. If you want it any plainer than the way he said it —you, sir, are a bread sandwich.