A few days ago

Help on a quote?

“What greater grief than the loss of ones native land?”


im guessing it means that there is nothing worse than losing where you came form but im not quite sure… help??

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Jaded Flower

Favorite Answer

It’s a double entandre, i think. It expresses both the grief of exile and also it seems to express the sorrow of loss of you culture, clan, and home through a war or some similar event destroying your city or kingdom, as it may be.

A few days ago
Think about it like this. If you take a carrot out of the ground – its home – it’s not alive and its not a plant anymore everyone thinks its food. Losing your home changes you and usually (almost always) for the worst. Leaving home should be a choice because its hard enough when you do it willingly