A few days ago

Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, what does this quote mean?

Don’t ask what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country was a quote by John F. Kennedy. But can someone please explain what it means in detail?

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A few days ago

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It means that we owe it to our country to make it a better place to live and a better place in the world. Instead of always asking our country to take care of us, we need to take care of our country.

There are many ways to look at the quote.


A few days ago
The other answers were good, but-

Start from the idea that just about everyone wants to improve his lot in life. But, since the country is made up of mere humans, the best your country can do for you, is give you what someone else thinks you need. But, if you see a way the country can be improved, and YOU don’t complain, but set out to improve it, then, since you’ll be giving of yourself, the country is more likely to become more to your liking. I don’t see it as blindly following someone, but,using your own ideas and strengths to make things better.


A few days ago
And the original quote was : Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

It means that if you want something, you need to go out and work to get it. You shouldn’t expect it to be handed to you just because you live in America and this is the land of opportunity.

Also, he’s asking you to ask yourself what can I do to make myself an equal contributor to the nation? In other words, what can I do to make myself more a part of this nation as it’s son/daughter instead of demanding that it give me money when I am not willing to work for it (such as welfare being abused along with unemployment). For example, the people that serve in the military are doing for their country instead of asking what their country can do for them. The same can be said of police officers, fire fighters, doctors and anyone else that works in the public service arena including teachers.


A few days ago
The Late President JFK delivered those words nearly fifty years ago. What he was saying, “Don’t ask for a Helping Hand when you are in the position to give a Helping Hand”.

Be a Doer and not a Rider of Society.


A few days ago
Sure… it is very simple to understand.

It means…

Dont look for everything to be done for you… do what you can to make this country a better place for all to live. The country belongs to us so we have a responcibility to build it into what we want it to be.

Those who look for a handout or always look for someone to blame do a disservice to the nation. We should be working to better the nation, not take as much as we can get by with and not get caught.

Sadly, many still don’t understand or care about this concept. I wish they did.


A few days ago
To me it means what it says..Serve your country not the country serving you [warfare].Pay your taxes even if you think that there are to high.Taxes are to high because to many people are living off the government[the tax payers]. Be more self supporting.The government wasn’t set up to support the people when J.F.K. was in office.I served 3 years in the army and 6 years in the nation guards.

A few days ago
Ron J
The two responses I just read were very accurate, however it can be interpreted in many ways. From my point of view our many young men and women who have given their lives, in this fiasco, have given more than their share. I only hope that in the future our country will be as appreciative of them for that sacrifice.

7 years ago
This quote is for a Lebanese writer Gibran Khalil Gibran” The new frontier ” addressing his homeland politicians 36 years before JFK.

A few days ago
simply put–don’t be a taker ,better to be a giver.