A few days ago
Princess AE

Does anyone know how to solve this math problem?: 1/10d – 1/20 + 1/2d = 1/2 + d?

Does anyone know how to solve this math problem?: 1/10d – 1/20 + 1/2d = 1/2 + d?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
Coconut Guy

Favorite Answer

Take the Least Common Denominator (20) and multiply the entire thing by 20.

Therefore, you’ll get: 2d – 1 + 10 d = 10 + 20d

12d -1 = 10 + 20 d

12 d – 20 d = 10 +1

-8 d = 11

d = -11/8

Hope this helps


A few days ago
what grade are you in?

man is the 1/2d (1/2)d or 1/2d

1/10d – 1/20 + 1/2d = 1/2 + d

1/10d + 5/10d

6/10d -11/20 +d

1. group like numbers

(1/10d )- 1/20 + (1/2d )= 1/2 + (d)


(1/10d ) +(1/2d ) and -1/20 on the left side [ls]

1/2 and (d) on the right side [rs] the (d) can also be 1d to make it easier (because anything can be multiplied by 1… and that is what the numbers mean 1/10 x d = 1/10d and 1/2 x d = 1/2d etc..etc..

ok now we need to get the d’s on one side and the numbers on the other.. lets put all the d’s on the [ls – left side]

(1/10d ) +(1/2d ) .. to get the 1d that is on the [rs] to the left we need to use the balance of powers rule.. anything you do to the [ls] you must also do to the [rs]

so in this case to get rid of + d or positive 1d we must – d to the other side or negative 1d ..

so the left side with all the d’s looks like

(1/10d ) +(1/2d ) – 1d

now we need to get all the numbers to the other side and we do this the same way…

+ 1/20 (remember it is – 1/20 on the left side so it will be + 1/20 because we need to do the opposite to balance out..

so to get rid of the -1/20 on the left we add + 1/20 to both sides.. since + 1/20 -1/20 =0 it doesn’t show up anymore on the left but since + 1/20 + nothign or 0 = + 1/20 it now shows up on the right … we can add or subtract or do anything to an equation and it will still be = as long as anything we do to the left we also do to the right.. because they are equal.. and even though the equation changes.. the balance of the two equations remains the answer… as long as the answer on the ls = the answer on the rs.. everything is ok

(1/10d )- 1/20 + (1/2d )= 1/2 + (d)

so we have

(1/10d ) + (1/2d ) – (1d) = 1/2 + 1/20

OK now to get this stuff just find a common denomonator to get this.. it will be easy to convert everything to a fraction first

1/10d + 1/2d – 1d/1 + = 1/2 + 1/20

then find something that works for both sides just to save time (you could do a different number of each side but it is faster this way I thijnk

so 20d is the easiest

2(1/10d) + 10(1/2d) – 20d(1d/1) = 10d(1/2) + d(1/20)

if you are confused you can get the numbers by just dividing

20d by the denomontaror

20d/10d = 2 20d/2d = 10 etc…

2(1/10d) + 10(1/2d) + 20d(1d/1) = 10d(1/2) + d(1/20)

2/20d + 10/20d + 20d^2 (squared) / 20d = 10d/20d + 1d/20d

(12 – 20d^2 )/ 20d = (11d )/ 20d

we can get rid of the denomonator now /20d by multiplying both sides by 20d — x 20d is the opposite of / 20d *(multipying is the opposite of dividing)

we are left with

12 – 20d^2 = 11d

so now we do it again..

what we do is group the numbers and d’s (we don’t have fractions anymore though… there is a trick.. if you are doing trinomials there.. is a different way to answer this also if you are doing a square trick and polynomial formulas there is another way to answer it.

12 – 20d^2 = 11d

– 20d^2 – 11d + 12 = 0


– 20d^2 – 11d = -12

or x (-1)

20d^2 + 11 = 12

x = (-b+- sqrt( b^2 – 4ac) / 2a)

a = 20

b = 11

c = 12

x = (-b+- sqrt( b^2 – 4ac) / 2a)

subbing the numbers in

x = (-11+- sqrt( (11)^2 – 4(20)(12)) / 2(20)

x = (-11+- sqrt (121 – 80(12)) / 40

x = (-11+- sqrt (121-960 )/ 40)

x = (-11+- sqrt (-839) / 40

man I think I got like 1.. or an error…

20d^2 + 11d = 12

divide by d

20d + 11 = 12/d

20d -12/d = -11

20d/1 – 12/d = -11

20d = – 11

d = -11/20

-12/d = -11

-12 = -11d

-12/-11 = d


A few days ago
Philip T
1/10d – 1/20 + 1/2d = 1/2 + d

-d + 1/10/d – 1/20 + 1/2D = 1/2 + d – d

-1/2d +1/10d – 1/20 = 1/2

-5/10d +1/10d -1/20 +1/20 = 1/2 +1/20

-4/10d = 11/20

-4/10d * 20 = 11/20 *20

-8/d = 11

-8 = 11d

-8/11 = d


A few days ago
The answer is d= -11/8

multiply everything by 20 to eliminate the fraction and you’ll get




