A few days ago

can any intelligent guy give 2 important quotations of Mircea Eliade?

pls, pls….. give me this 2 quotations. but one should be concerned with knowledge and other with anything else.

the person who gives answer within 2 days will be chosen as the best answer.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Sure can:Eliade argues that religious thought in general rests on a sharp distinction between the Sacred and the profane; whether it takes the form of God, gods, or mythical Ancestors, the Sacred contains all “reality”, or value, and other things acquire “reality” only to the extent that they participate in the sacred

Eliade notes that, in traditional societies, myth represents the absolute truth about primordial time. According to the myths, this was the time when the Sacred first appeared, establishing the world’s structure — myths claim to describe the primordial events that made society and the natural world be that which they are. Eliade argues that all myths are, in that sense, origin myths: “myth, then, is always an account of a ‘creation’


A few days ago