A few days ago

A good quote??

What is a good quote for someone who is expecting a baby? My co worker just found out him and his wife are preg. and I want to make him a card. Got any ideas??

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

a new you is coming through

A few days ago

This link has some quotes from real people about babies/pregnancy/parenting. They are funny. I couldn’t really find anything inspirational… You might just want to get creative on this one. Like, “Congratulations! A baby makes everything else we do in life seem unnecessary. May you cherish the time you spend with your child.”


A few days ago
Some dude
“Hope you don’t like money, peace, quiet, stability, free time, a clean house, the ability to own nie things without having them destroyed or movies not made by Walt Disney.”

You probably shouldn’t use that even though it’s true.


A few days ago
“I hear you have a new boss coming to your home!”

then something cute like “enjoy your new bundle of joy when it arrives!”

Congrats to them from us!