A few days ago

Would taking two languages in high school be very hard?

I am signed up for Spanish II and Chinese I for my junior year this year. But I’m not sure whether that would be too hard on me.

I got a 94 on my spanish final last year, and have never taken Chinese. My extracurricular activities include Concert Choir and Theatre (which takes up almost every day after school). My GPA is 3.8.

Based on this information, do you think I could handle two languages?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Learning a foreign language is extremely challenging. The more advanced the levels get, the more difficult the languages become. I’ve never taken Spanish or Chinese, but from my own experience, grammar becomes a larger aspect of foreign languages as the levels progress, and it can get very very complicated at times.

You have a good GPA, and I’m sure that you’ve worked very hard to get that so you need to consider some things before settling on taking both classes.

First, how hard did you find Spanish 1? How much of your time did it take? If you found it to be challenging (despite what your final score might indicate) then you can only expect Spanish 2 to be equally as challenging. How much time did you spend working on it? You can expect to double that time if you take another language.

Next, How much are you willing to sacrifice for that extra class? a 3.8 GPA is great, especially with your after school stuff, but another class, especially one as in depth as Chinese (which isn’t even latin based so somewhat similar to English) could have a negative effect on that GPA. Since you’re going to be a junior and probably applying for colleges after this school year you’re going to want to keep that GPA as high as you can.

Hopefully this helps a little bit. I would try making a list of pros and cons to help decide one way or the other, but I don’t think I would take both languages.


A few days ago
You can do it! It will be easy for you, The two languages are so diffrent you can’t get mixed up like you could if you were taking French and Spanish!

A few days ago
Sounds like you’d be too busy…and I always thought just learning Spanish alone was hard :p but just go with what feels right for you.