A few days ago

Why do i have such a hard time getting started on school homework and other important activities?

I found it very difficult to start working on my homework all the time. Most of the time i wait until the last minute to start working on it, and it hurts the quality of my work. I have plenty of free time to do it but i always find an excuse and i end up doing something else. I realize this is a problem but i still can’t find a solution to it, and it’s becoming very frustating. a little help please!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago
Inundated in SF

Favorite Answer

It’s a discipline you can teach yourself if you are firm and strong (don’t let yourself get away with all the nonsense you know it will throw at you). It’s like developing good study habits, good hygiene, good table manners, etc. You have to practice. First, figure out what else you are doing instead of your homework–the fun stuff, make a list. Once you have that, tell yourself that you can’t do any of those things, in fact, you can’t do anything at all, until your homework is done–and stick to it. No munching on snacks, no tv, no gaming, no chatting on the web, no Y!A, to nothing. The only thing that can interrupt you is if you’re called to supper. Let your friends & family help out by telling them your new plan and that you’d really appreciate their cooperation so they won’t distract you–tell your friends you’ll text them (or call) when you’re homeworkfree. Then get that homework done so you can do the funner things in your life. Once it becomes a habit, it won’t seem to hard but it is something you have to keep practicing. And once it is a good habit, you’ll find that you can totally enjoy your free time since you don’t have that homework cloud hanging over your head all the time (“oh, yea, my homework is DONE!”).

A few days ago
I have struggled with procrastination all of my life. I try to literally “schedule” work time in, as well as “me time”. If I sit for 30 minutes studying history…I schedule in a 15 minute ‘play with the dog’ break before I go back to it. I have a white board in my room and I write things down on it so I’ll feel more committed to keeping my schedule. Also, if I really think it will take 30 minutes to finish my pre-calc…I schedule 60 (then I feel I am beating my schedule and earning extra time). Sometimes keeping a “to do” list helps, then I feel good about checking things off. I try to keep a little time at the end of the day free so that I am not working right up until bedtime….that’s definitely not the time I can give my best quality work!!

Good luck to you….I’ll be reading other answers too…I need help too!.


A few days ago
Angels Serenity
It’s procrastination and unfortunately it’s something so many of us have to say we’re guilty of. Unfortunately even though it’s something light like homework now, later it will be responsibilities, and your job can get in trouble, and even worse, so now’s the time to change it. I know you can do it since you care enough to at least ask the question it shows you have character and strength.

Here’s how I changed it. It’s all about priorities. The more you put off something the more your stomache will knot up knowing it has to be done. Now I like to get the icky stuff done and over with and it really DOES make a difference when I’m able to relax, but it’s a habit like anything else, it won’t change overnight and you have to keep working to change it.

Give it a shot making sure the MOMENT you get home the homework is done first, and then do whatever else you have to do. Just a week. See the difference it makes, really it does. Set alarms, reminders, anything you have to but put it in your head that you can do anything if you put your mind to it and just do it. Make YOURSELF proud because that’s the most important thing.

Good luck!


A few days ago
You should probably start by looking at your surroundings. Are you at home? Are you with your friends? Are you at the library? If you can admit that you simply dont start homework until the last minute, you are basically winning half the battle, the second half is just to put yourself somewhere where you will get into the right mindset to do your work. Head to your library, or in your room where you will avoid distractions such as a talkative buddy, or blaring music.

A few days ago
Angela C
Learn to ask better questions. Really. Your brain is making it harder for you because it’s receiving the message: “I have a hard time getting started….” Start asking yourself: “What will help me get started on this project, because it’s going to feel so awesome to get it done?” Say it often, even before bed and your subconscious will answer the question for you. Also, convince yourself that you love to get things done and focus on how good it feels to have it completed. Close your eyes and VIVIDLY picture/experience yourself celebrating and gloating over how hard you can work and how great it feels to be finished. Try to make the emotions real! If you’re procrastinating anyways, it can’t hurt to do a little brain programing. Keep thinking about how much you WANT to be finished and build up your emotional energy. Then set a timer for 15 minutes and tell yourself you can ONLY work on it for that long, even though you really WANT to do more.

A few days ago
Come up with a list of all of the negative and positive consequences for waiting until the last minute to get your work done. These reasons have to be HUGE in order for it to work. Example: If I put off doing my work, I will not get the grades to go to my desired college and get the career that I want. You will NOT change until you have convinced yourself that there is more pain associated with putting it off, than there is getting it done early.

A few days ago
this is not uncommon (I do it a lot as well) but even when you don’t want to do it you should force yourself to do it and before you know it you’ll be finished. The best advice I can give you is to finish it in class or study hall.

A few days ago
I do the same thing….. and i’m a sophmore in high school….Procrastating could get bad….. but try ur best to do ur homework as soon as u get home

A few days ago
good question i do the same thing but u can try listening to music while doing ur work.. u wont ready realize u doing ur hw

A few days ago
you’re just like me

at some point in time, it’ll change

you’ll realize that it will be affecting your life, and yeah