A few days ago

Why are the school’s having a P.D. day already?

I just found out that the public school kids had a P.D. day….on their twelfth day of class. Why?

btw…………I’m Canadian

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There is never a good time – regarding the average person thinks it acceptable or not an inconvenience to parents who may have to arrange childcare.

Though the earlier the better as it will disrupt the progression of lesson development less. As well as the P.D. having more opportunity to be implemented and therefore impact instruction / classroom practice over the course of the full school year.


A few days ago
English teacher
Professional development is huge for teachers right now. It could be that the administration wanted to get a particular presenter and the 12th day of class was the only time available.

A few days ago
I am a teacher in the US and we have one in November…..they are really pushing this now.