A few days ago

Whats a good way too get out of school for the day?

i’ve been working really hard latley but i’ve totally forgotten about this one assignment that i haven’t completed its due tommorow do yooh ppl hav any ideas on how i could get out of school for the day too complete it?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Tabithia Rose ♥

Favorite Answer

if you’re a girl and are on your “time” right now, that would be perfect.

Wake up screaming bloody murder from cramp pain. Hold your stomach and refuse to get up. If medicine is offered to you, cough it up.

If that dosen’t convince your parents, go in the bathroom and pretend vomitt. If you have cramps to the point of puking, you can’t go to school

If you’re not on your “time” right now,

Wake up complaining of a headache. When your temperatuere is taken, stick the themometer on a lightbulb for a few seconds. don’t go overboard.

Good luck with everything


A few days ago
Lie like you have never before lied. You’re almost going to have to barf up a purple kidney for this one, but LIE!

Or you could do the honorable thing, and tell the truth. Every once in awhile an adult will be really nice, and will appreciate that you were honest, and may give you a bit of a smack grade-wise, but it’s a whole lot better than having to cover a lie for years to come.

Trust me on this one. It’s just an assignment, and if you screwed up, you screwed up. Being accountable is like the most admirable thing any human can do.

It would be nice if more human beings would fess up and a lot of people today would be alive, and well for it.

May not be the answer you were looking for, but I can 100% assure you, that this is the answer you need.

Do the right thing. Take your spanking, and tomorrow will be so much better than it would have been if you chose to live for months lying about it.

I know this, and I am not lying.



A few days ago
I dont understand why people make this situation seem much more complicated then it is.

Dont go to school, and then hand in a fake doctor’s note the next. =_=

Whats so difficult? Its insanely easy to forge one. Just type all proffesional-like on a Word Document. Print it out, and make a really wierd difficult/un-forgable scribble on the bottom for the signature.


A few days ago
What i use to do is before my parents wake up or when my parents not looking i get a glass a water and when i drink i keep the water in and i then eat something(very hard) with water in my mouth and then i would mix it up (Kinda disgusting) and make it look like vomit then when parents are near throw it out in the toilet making them think I’m sick and i would tell them that my stomach hurts badly… lol

just make sure you dont take pepto bismol


A few days ago
Get up in the morning and tell yourself you feel ill, then spend like 15 minutes on the toilet and tell your parents or whoever that you feel bad and feel like an animal is rotting in your stomach.

A few days ago
There are all sorts of ways – pleading illness etc. but ,unless you forget assignments regularly, can you not go to your teacher and plead for an extension?