A few days ago

What’s the use of wasting 4-6 yrs of high school if you can just skip to college??

What’s the use of wasting 4-6 yrs of high school if you can just skip to college??

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

building blocks. you don’t want to rush into a social and academic environment that your not used to. Even though you may be academically ready for college, your brain has not fully developed enough to make proper decisions in a college environment

A few days ago
High is FOUR years. Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. Second of all high school helps you prepare for college. Third, why would you want to get into something so serious soon? Yah, college is fun. But being involved in school is rewarding. Like I’m on newspaper so I’m preparing for college since I’m a journalism major. Without high school you have no degree and no education which equals **** pay and ignorant people. Which the world does not need.

A few days ago
High school is only 4 years, not 4-6. You can’t totally skip high school and go to college. A few people skip their senior year of high school.

You need to go to high school to prepare for college. At the age of 13 you are not ready to live on your own and take college classes. Even at 18 many people cannot handle college, they need mom and dad to make sure they wake up in the morning, go to school, and study.


A few days ago
Don’t know. I’d prefer learning at my own pace through homeschooling, taking courses at a community college etc. A high school diploma is no longer a valuable asset, and colleges recruit homeschoolers, so why bother with high school?

Check out the Teenage Liberation Handbook for more info!


A few days ago
At college you shall receive high level of information that needs background, that background is the education gained from high school.

If you just skipped the high school and went to the college directly you will find extreme difficulty to coup with the class and understand what the lecturer is trying to teach you.

If you are interested about education try to advance step by step, each step needs the previous on, it is the logic education process.


A few days ago
Part of it is “insurance”. If you run out of money, or some other disaster occurs (a car wreck, perhaps) which keeps you from completing college, you end up being unemployable, because you haven’t even got a high school diploma.

Another reason is that schooling doesn’t just teach academic subjects. You also are socialized. If someone enters college 4 years younger than his classmates, he doesn’t fit in with his classmates who are involved in drinking and screwing, because of legal strictures.

As a practical matter, much financial aid for college is limited to students freshly out of high school.


A few days ago
maybe to learn new things and give you time to think of what kind of career you want later in the future. I know you probably thinking everything you learn in college is the same thing over with what you learn in high school. Yes and No….YES is you’re the type that didn’t do so well in high school and had to take these classes to re-learn, etc. and No cuz the courses in college are alot more intense i believe in terms of requirements for hw, projects, and tests.

A few days ago
Ashwinder S

cause is that in schools the basics become strong and it easy to learn in college. each and every thing in college is the expansion that we learn in school. if schooling is not there than it’s difficult to understand in college.


A few days ago
Dystany Loves Ryan <33
youre suppose to learn there, but they do give you some ridiculous classes that are pointless but hey its just like college

A few days ago
Just a Friend
I’m gonna be calm with you, because otherwise you won’t be accepted and everything, if you do get accepted, is insanely hard!