A few days ago

What ever happened to the “A+” grade in schools?

“A+” has been removed as an official grade for a long time, at least in Wisconsin. Why? Is the extra recoginition deemed excess or is it just unpopular? Now, there is no elite grade.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I don’t know the answer to this, but I suspect it’s because most, if not all, universities use the numeric system for grading and an A translates to their starting number 4. They don’t have anything higher than 4 so an A+ would still be a 4.

A few days ago
GiR 2.0
There’s one reason and one reason alone: the educational system is STUPID and don’t want overprotective parents suing because their son didn’t get an A+ even though he got every single word of the test wrong.

You see, the educational system of the United States is corrupted by lawsuits and funding and the All Children Left Behind Act. You see, many parents are paranoid about anything and everything that happens to their mentally disabled kids who don’t know what 2+2 is at the age of 35. With their overprotective-ness, they have to think their child is perfect, and if they’re perfect, they have to have good grades. But then, little Johnny is completely stupid and fails every question on his TAKS test, so automatically their parents have to sue even though Johnny got everything WRONG.

And with the threat of a lawsuit, a school system has to stop giving out good grades that mean something. So we remove A+ with nothing or just remove word grades all together and replace them with the need for self-confidence and replacing A+-F- with stickers of puppies, rainbows, unicorns and hippos. Mostly hippos. That way mentally retarded children are happy. And parents don’t sue.

So it’s not because of unpopularity. It’s because the educational system is corrupt. No Child Left Behind hasn’t done anything for kids except keep them in 2nd grade until the age of 45. Teaching the same damned children for 44 years. With the idea that kids can’t be wrong and are always perfect, you have to remove the only true sign of the standardized testing grades.

Don’t remove me. It’s true. And opinionated. Question Normalcy and Question the System.

Oh and plus some schools that have good children have plus grades. Just not all. Mostly universities.


A few days ago
Elaine P…is for Poetry
It seems that students at the top of the scale always get the short end of things. Still, universities will recognize all A’s and they’ll know about Wisconsin’s policies, so don’t worry. Just do your best and the pluses in life will come to you.

A few days ago
straight A s averages are very elite. don’t think a couple +++ will change the meaning of A.

A few days ago
Maybe it was unfair for certain students…I guess…