A few days ago

What effects does leadership training have on High school Students?

I would love to hear any thoughts, facts, and statistics. Thank you!

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I have serious doubts about leadership trainings as a training. I’ve seen it where they will choose some students at random to give them the training, and it does more harm than good because kids don’t understand why one was chosen and the other not. Plus, I question the logic that leadership is learned in this fashion. Leadership is really earned.. it’s earned by leading. If a high school really wants to develop strong leaders than they need opportunities in the school for students to work and take responsibilities.

I’ve known a lot of students who run set up for teacher meetings, manage technology centers at the school, and work in the office. They jobs create leaders because they give students the power to make good and bad decisions. We don’t create leaders, we create opportunities for leaders to rise up.


A few days ago
It would hopefully make them more involved in school affairs and techniques on how to influence others.