A few days ago

What do you say to parents about their misbehaving daughters?

I teach 10th grade, and am in my 2nd year of teaching. I am having a tough time with a few disrespectful teenage girls who will not stop talking and keep disrupting the class. School policy states to first verbally warn the students on at least 2 occassions, which I have done. Before any school discipline or punishment can be doled out, parentals contact in the form of a phone call must be made. I have 8 differents girls whose parents I need to call. Experienced teachers, what exactly should I say?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Just call the parents and say their child has been misbehaving in your class. Tell them its not appropriate and if it continues ……. (whatever the school policy is for continued actions)

Be confident and have everything you need to say prepared. Some of the parents will try and defend their kids behaviour – you need to be firm with them. Write down all that is said and discuss it with your principal if need be. Good luck


A few days ago
People above are spot-on.

Just make sure you have all your ducks in a row before you call. Perhaps have notes citing specific examples of what they have been doing. Be as specific as possible. And make it out of your hands (policy dictates that the next step is administration and you don’t want that for her).

And DO NOT call with a “tattle-tale” attitude – make it almost as you are asking the parents for their help. It puts them more at ease. Starting with a compliment is a great idea.

(“Gina is really smart, but she could contribute a lot more in class if she was less disruptive. My next step, per school policy, will have to be to get administration involved. Can you help me prevent that. She is too smart to be in trouble at the office. Some of the things I”m seeing is…..).

A lot of parents will at least act supportive, but some parents may ask “what do you expect me to do about it” at which you need to have a good answer, but that is not defensive. Have a plan in mind or suggestion.

And I made it clear to my students that if I had to call home about one thing, I was going to share EVERYTHING.

You can hope that the parents will step up and put an end to things, but don’t expect it.


A few days ago
Debbie Z
I agree with the previous post. Have what you want to say ready and mention the school policy. Be prepared to tell what you have done to stop the behavior (warning, moving seat, etc) If their grades are low, bring up the fact that paying better attention will help to improve comprehension of the subject. Bring up that this is not only interfering with their own learning, but the learning of others.

Good luck.


A few days ago
Tell it like it is. Start out the conversation with a compliment about the child…ANYTHING…then continue with, the negative. Be specifc, don’t beat around the bush. Parents want honesty and specificity will lead to a solution you will like, trust me.

A few days ago
Start by saying something like:

“I’m quite fond of your daughter, but….”

“Your daughter has such great potential, but….”

“I need your help with something here at school…”

Always start on a positive note.