A few days ago

Tricks For Doing Better In School?

I know there’s the one about breakfast helping you do better in school. Is there anything else like that which will help me get better grades? I know these tricks aren’t the only things I should do, I still have to do well on homework and study hard.

But are there any small tricks I could try?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago
NOt going to be a hippocrit

Favorite Answer

A study group. That way if your unsure ask your friends. Also try association. Associate answers with something familiar. Remember to take breaks though and not get burned out and not have any fun.

A few days ago
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so that’s a real good tip. Get plenty of sleep too. Take good notes in class and don’t get distracted by what’s going on in the classroom. Pay close attention to your teacher.

Great question by the way. : )


A few days ago
suck on a lollipop while studying, forget what this does but I read that it helps if you suck on something while studying or learning in class, GO TO BED early! I am a teacher and I have witnessed that this helps. eat small snacks through out the day, healthy ones. your brain can’t function if its not fed correctly. lay off sugar as much as you can. get physical exercise, it gets blood flowing to the brain, verbally read things to someone or out loud or when you study, study with someone. Adding the verbal portion to your academics helps, rather than just the visual (reading). Consistency helps too (sitting in the same seat in class)

A few days ago
Asking questions in class

Don’t leave things to the last minute

Do homework

Take lots of notes


A few days ago
take clear and concise notes of names , dates, stay focused .read ,study. visualize, perform.

A few days ago
Apples–give one to the teacher.

A few days ago
cheating…. but thats a given

A few days ago
do your work