A few days ago

School food in the U.S. is too ethnocentric…How can we help diversify the food served in school cafeterias?

School food in the U.S. is too ethnocentric…How can we help diversify the food served in school cafeterias?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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give different condiments with each meal. one day ketchup for the african americans. one day tapatio for the mexicans and another day soy sauce.

A few days ago
School boards only get so much money allowed for their food budget. It’s not like they have unlimited funds and can buy whatever they want. They could get more diverse products if they had more money, but another thing to consider is the money they do have has to buy food they can use and the kids will actually eat. They want to have as little waste as possible. If they can provide nutritious food on the budget they have and create foods the kids will eat, that’s about all they can manage.

A few days ago
I don’t believe it is up to the schools to give the kids whatever etchnic foods they want, they just have to provide one (sometimes two with breakfast) meal a day.

If the families want thier own ethnic foods to be represented….send it themselves with thier children in a lunchbox. It is NOT the responsibility of the school.

When I was a kid, the big coup was the salad bar for those who wanted that instead of the other stuff, I liked very much, but no one demanded that they do it.


A few days ago
Instead of trying to provide you with a variety of different foods, school cafeterias are focused on getting kids to eat. The actual goal instead of making it include various ethnic foods should be TO MAKE IT HEALTHY AND TASTE GOOD FOR KIDS TO EAT.

the vast majority of adolescents to teenagers, grammar school to high school kids, are overweight, if not obese. the goal shouldn’t be to give them more fatty, worldly food to eat. the goal should be to get them to eat balanced meals.

most cafeterias around the US are starting to take some kind of action. and with their miniscual budgets, i think they are doing an okay job. but to ask to help diversify food is just plain idiotic.

if you want something different to eat, make it yourself. the school shouldn’t be responsible for trying to please you, or even trying to please everyone. they have other things more serious to worry about. like how to keep music and art classes open.

besides, we’re in america. and though my parents were from a different country, i was born here. and i’m glad to call myself an american. so if you dont like what my america is serving, then go cook your own food, or get the hell out, or just go starve yourself.


A few days ago
Most schools do have that. In my high school we had Mexican food. But you know there is so much diversity in American that you cant make everyone Happy. Beside children have the choice to bring their own lunch.

*There r so many OTHER problems with schools now they hardly have time to worry about lunch.


A few days ago
Hey, I have no problem with fried snake and rats. I do draw the line at beef, dog and horse meat, though. Dirty rice and corn bread are both cheap and real tasty, along with the more usual veggie burgers, tofu, and tempe. As I always say, the more diverse the merrier! Goat meat is good, but I feel sorry for the goat.

A few days ago
I grew up in small town Kansas, and wish I had been exposed to different kinds of food growing up..like greek, etc. The first time I had Chinese food, I was 16? I guess it is cheaper and easier to cook in mass quantities because that is all they know.

A few days ago
how is mac n cheese or a hot dog ethnocentric? Does your school have “viva Juan Carlos taco day” or “Amerigus Vespucci pizza day” ?

A few days ago
ethnocentric? school food should not even be called food! very few schools serve anything but prepacked frozen lunches, so lets tackle one problem at a time buddy.

A few days ago
Get rid of the illegals and their anchor babies and we won’t have to worry about their demands…. they all get free breakfast and lunches in our schools.. and translators, and ESL classes, and bus transportation…. and pay no taxes. What a stupid country the USA seems to be.

This illegal alien travisty has made me become racist… oh well, I guess I am racist.