A few days ago
Holiday Magic

Older folks: Does any teacher still touch you, even though you have not seen them in years?

For me, it’s one horrid 5th grade teacher, and one wonderful high school art teacher.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

There are several who have become friends in my older years , Those that I felt a kindred spirit to when I was young, Maybe because they knew without asking I needed someone who cared. Anyway , we still have a bond. Their getting up there in age now .

A few days ago
Yes. There are a few of them whom I will never forget in my life. For example, my English teacher in primary school. Or my class-teacher in High-school, to whom I never ever lied–it was like the gravest sin I could perform, to lie to her, she was so good. Then, of course, there was a professor in my Engineering college whom I wish I could contact and say thanks.

Now most of them are retired, and I don’t even know how to contact them and express my feelings. On every Teacher’s Day, I remember them and wish I could send them flowers and greeting cards.


A few days ago
Michelle R
Yes, there is one, Mr. Goss from High Schoool. He believed in me, always told me I could do it…and gave me all the chances I needed to be successful!

It is unfortunate that we always remember the really bad teachers. They don’t realize how much of an impact they can have on us!


A few days ago
Yes. It’s been forty years since I graduated from my sixth-grade class. After hearing how I made little newspapers at home, my teacher encouraged me to create newspapers based on historical events. I did so, and she duplicated them for the class on the then-new photocopy machine–my first publication. I have gone on to publish 28 books, one of which I dedicated to her, naturally. I have received a Christmas card and a birthday card from her every year since sixth grade. She changed my life!

A few days ago
Backwoods Barbie
Yes, my English teacher in high school, I will never forget him….:)