A few days ago
Holly H

Need ideas for a short story for my English class…?

It needs to be 1,000 words! I can write long stories and very short stories but I can’t find any ideas for a story of this size. I have been sitting here, tired, trying to think of a plot but I can’t think of anything! I’ve been sitting in front of a blank screen for hours… please help! I need ideas!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Find something you are passionate about and write about it. For instance, if you are passionate about the war in Iraq then maybe you can right a story being told from a soldier’s point of view or even better, his family who’s at home waiting for him to return. Or, if you like Greek mythology, maybe you could create a new goddess or something (kind of like a lost legend thing) and tell her story. Has there even been a book or movie that you’ve read/watched and didn’t like the ending or maybe you thought that the ending needed to be elaborated on some more. If so, maybe you could rewrite the ending or add some details to an ending that you thought was unfinished. Ever had a cool day dream? If so, you could write about it. Whatever you use as your personal muse, just be sure to make it something that you really like because that will make the words flow so much easier.

A few days ago
hm… a story from your vacation? change names + places, add details using your fantasy. Get an idea from the newpaper or a TV report?

– Make a more detailed description of places, houses, people to make a short story… long !

– if you are tired now…. let it be for a couple of hours, work it out in your head ( while you are doing osmething else, like walking), just note key-words , then sit in front of your screen again when you have 50% of the story ready (in your head!)

– think of a long story + edit it down to 1,000 words !

good luck!


A few days ago
Write a story about a teen who is making dreams about the future but eventually dies by narcotics or what?It is a great and tried plot.

A few days ago
Is there something specific your story should demonstrate? Probably the easiest thing to write is something that you lived. Think about something that happened to you that has “a moral to the story” and write about it.

A few days ago
Think of a boring story like journey the teacher would love it and but a difficult words for it like scientific one like tornado,lab etc.

A few days ago
make a story of a fish who wanted to leave the bowl