A few days ago

Need help on short essay…?

I’m in 9th grade and I have to write a 350 word essay in response to this prompt:

“Discuss your educational experiences in English writing. What have been your most positive experiences in English courses?”

…The problem is I’m having a hard time remembering many “educational experiences”, I’d really aprreciate hearing about some you have had (especially in elementary/middle school), to help jogg my memory. And, also advice on a thesis statement, and intro/concluding paragraphs. Thank you!!!

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Intro/conclusion paragraphs should sum up what you wrote about in your essay. Intro will very briefly outline what you talk about, conclusion will briefly summarize your view point/what you’ve learned/the points of your essay (i hate conlcusions the most). A thesis statement is the point you are going to get across to the reader.

As for educational experiences, remember that little drawing with like, your main topic in the middle and you’d draw a circle around it and then you’d get a couple of lines off of that circle to branch off into mini topics that you could research from that topic and just kept narrowing down from there? That is always helpful, and i still use it now (in the military!). Also writing questions from what you read to help you better learn the material.

Good luck on your essay! I hope you get a good grade and that this was helpful!!