A few days ago

I want to change my school schedule but i don’t think they would let me?

I need an excuse to change my lunch schedule. I have 1st lunch and i hate it, its too full and all my friends are in 2nd lunch. I want to switch so bad so I can be happy and feel better. This is the first high school week. The announcer call seniors and junior(which is me) tomorrow. They said for the students who has the wrong classes and who already taken this class. And all i want to do is change my advance trigonometry class to honor us history to 5th period. Would they let me?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

pshh, so i have no classes with my bestie.

it’s life who cares… 😀

&& youuur older than mee!


A few days ago
sharon m
Get a life !!! You are being dishonest with ourself to change a classfrom advance to honors so you have an excuse to eat lunch with some people you will see after school any way. Think about it you will be mad at these friends half the time anyway. Heaven forbid you eat with some new people. Where will it all end ? You want stangers on the internet to help you LIE. Grow up !! You can’t change your work schedule to suit yourself . This is good practice for you.

P.S. Plastic Trees shame on you !! Don’t teach the next generation bad habits. This poor person can’t even lie independently and he should be able to.


A few days ago
Since you’re changing one of your classes anyway, then they should let you.

If you’re really worried, have one of your parents go in and visit the registration office, or have them give that office a call.At my high school, they often disregard a student’s wish for a schedule change, but will listen to the parent. Sad but true.

Good luck!


A few days ago
I don’t see why not? Try changing it as soon as possible, because classes will fill up and it might not have room for you. If not this week, I am pretty sure the next week or so they can change because of people switching classes just like you are.

A few days ago
Yeah, just ask them to switch out your classes for you.. and it should leave you with the lunch period you want.

I went through this my entire 4 years of hs. I’m 22 now, but I remember those days. I made good friends with my counselor and he always adjusted my schedule to how I wanted it 😉 He also gave me a permanent hall pass in case I wanted to skip class.


A few days ago
well, the announcer called for students who have wrong classes or who already took that class……you dont fit either of those. but hey if they dont let you change your classes, just deal with it. you’ll find someone to eat lunch with and make new friends.

A few days ago
Since it is your education you schould be able to do what you want. Aside from just wanting to change your lunch shift, chaging your classes is important. I would just talk to them and be honest. The worse they are going to say is no. Good luck.

4 years ago
Yeahh you would be superb do no longer difficulty. they might replace issues in below 5 minutes with in basic terms a click on the laptop. human beings in my college replace their time table in the process the 1st 2 weeks of school

A few days ago
just because you’re not with your friends doesn’t mean it’ll be horrible. there’s a reason they don’t change schedules so easily…