A few days ago

I need some SChool work help?

Give me 3 reasons why some young Adults may not want to become parents??? State 3 3 ways a;so how parents may prepare or parenthood….?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

One reason is that our society is a very demanding one, and it seems to be getting more and more difficult to raise children in a positive environment.

Young people may not want the responsibility of parenthood.

They may not be able to afford parenthood.

They can prepare for parenthood by talking to their parents about what is involved, by saving money, by having an education, good jobs, etc.


A few days ago
1. not enough money

2. too much stress from children

3. want to focus on job

1. get a job and some money in case a job falls apart later

2. take class on parenting (don’t know if that would help)

3. babysit nieces/nephews/young neighbors


A few days ago
Just plain they don’t WANT kids. Not everyone does you know.