A few days ago

I feel like i lack common sense and i feel stupid?!?

sometimes i feel stupid and i cannot get anything. right now i have a huge exam tomorrow and hell, i cried over simple algerbra and word problems! I just cant foccus on it and i get the answers wrong all the time, no matter how hard i study. i dont get the formulas!!!

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Girl thats no reason to feel stupid. I was terrible at algebra and formulas. It was just abstract (for me anyway) but when I took the concept into chemistry and see how it was applied it started making sense. And I loved Geometry. You cant be good at everything. Make it thru what you have to do to pass. Do your best and really focus your talents on what you excel at. Thats what your going to use anway. Good Luck

A few days ago

Here’s an answer for you to think about tomorrow, after the exam.

It sounds like you’ve got a pretty straightforward problem: you have a test to take and the material is hard for you. You might not do as well as you’d like to do on it.

This is a problem, but it can be addressed. After the test is over, you can ask for extra help in learning the material, schedule regular study sessions, review homework on a weekly basis, start studying for the next test ten days ahead of time, or whatever. (You should talk to your teacher & get her suggestions on how you can improve your grades in this course.)

But none of this means that you are stupid or lack common sense. If you’re taking an algebra test, you’re probably a lot younger than me–decades younger! Everyone faces all kinds of problems throughout life, and this would be a great time to learn how to solve a problem without letting it make you miserable, or even letting it make you doubt yourself.

If you can start to learn this lesson now, you will be miles and miles ahead of most people your age–even the ones who are brilliant at algebra. (Seriously!)

Good luck on the test. Be good to yourself.


A few days ago
Maybe you need to find someone who can help you approach the problems in a different way.

When I was in the ninth grade, I had a lot of problems in my math class at the beginning of the school year. I usually am good in school but, for the life of me, I just couldn’t understand any of the logic problems that she was teaching us. One day, she went out sick and did not come back for a month or two because of pneumonia. This new teacher came to teach the class and there was something about the way he explained it that made the ideas click in my mind.

I know that I was very frustrated until this teacher came along. Maybe you can find a tutor to help you. You could even ask one of the students in your class to help you out. There’s nothing wrong with asking for help.

Good luck.


A few days ago
Megan G
Maybe you have learning dissabilites pared with anxiety? You should realy look into that. I have some learning dissabilites and dyslexia and my borther has them to, it does not make you stupid it just makes it harder for you to learn things and you learn at a slower pace. Ask your school councoler about it.