A few days ago
born to shop

hey all i have a school bus problem please help X___X?

the boys in the bus are sitting in front kids at midle and the girls are at the back but the skool princibal made a new rule wich make the girls go infront and the boys at the back .

now the boys and kids are happy but the girls don’t wanna change there place can we brake the rules .

i mean i brake many rules with my friends since i was ” KG1″ now im grade 8 can i brake the rules again help x____x

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago
LuVaBlE <3

Favorite Answer

boys r stupid … school suck… we all know the rules to brake it …

A few days ago
jennifer t
I think you should obey the rules. Rules are set in place for a purpose, and in your case the rules are set in place for your safety and the other bus riders safery.

A few days ago
First learn to spell. Then obey the guidelines the Principal has set.

A few days ago
The Main Man at Yahoo
Fvirst eye wude lern tu spehl and asc tha prinzepel eff ey cude stahy bak wun jear inn skool,sew tha spelling gets bettor. den eye wude werry abot buss seeting.

A few days ago
1.8th grades usually aren’t old enough to use Yahoo Answers.

2.Say it with me, GRAMMER.

3.I wouldn’t break the rules, many times you get kicked off buses


A few days ago
Ivan and Marko’s momma
the principal made rules for good reasons, safety perhaps. be a big girl and LISTEN!!!!

A few days ago
ooooh rebel.. naw.. dont break the rulez.. they are there for a reason! =] hehe x