A few days ago
insert nickname here

has anyone ever realized..?

that children are confused?

School is teaching us completley different things then our religous schools teach us. I surveyed my grade [math project] and over 200 [out of 250] kids say they are confused about certian condradicting things. for example::

How were humans first created?

School says: evolved from monkeys

Religion says: Adam & Eve

this also happens with how the earth was created and etc.

our religious classes teach uscompletley different things. I personally belive in the religious aspect of it all.

OKAY SO .. 2 questions:

~do you agree with your religion or what sociaty says


~why cant everyone just agree on one story?


<33 MJK

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Scientists are pretty much in complete agreement overall about the origin of the human species (except for some interesting technical details).

The religious explanations are not in agreement, despite what you say. “Adam & Eve” is from the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition. Hindus believe we came from Manu. For the Norse, Ask and Embla were created from driftwood. The native Indian tribes had many different stories.

The contradictions have never bothered me that much, because I treat the Adam and Eve story as symbolic, and not literal. If you start treating the Bible or the Qur’an as literal, you’ll either be confused, left stupefied, or turn into Pat Robertson or Osama bin Laden.


A few days ago
I agree with Biblical teachings. Unfortunately, the objectives come from the state departments of education and must be covered. Keep in mind that the schools are supposed to teach that Evolution is a THEORY, not complete truth. I know it stinks having to listen to things that you don’t believe in, but unfortunately, many people have inferred that “separation of church and state” means separation FROM church and state.

I think Kansas is the only state that actually presents creationism in the classroom. The schools in Kansas also rank among the highest in the nation…I guess those students are a lot smarter for being presented with BOTH. A theory is just that…just a theory. Theory doesn’t mean that it is absolutely true.

For those who don’t believe in God, you have that right to believe what you want. That’s what the Constitution entitles you to do. Don’t be hatin’ on the Christians just because they have faith in the “unseen” and you don’t.


A few days ago
Because there is a lot of evidence that disproves religious teaching. I, however, take the Bible to be a big metaphor at times. Who is to say that the 7 days of creation are 7 days? Days are a man-made thing. Could be 7 billion years. Anyways,

It’s up to believers to make their cases and argue against Science, with Science. You can’t go by the bible anymore, it’s discredited in too many ways to be used as proof in logical discussion. But that doesn’t mean all is not lost. You just have to keep searching.


A few days ago
there is too much proof of evolution to ignore it. and it’s not like science is taught in churches why should religion be taught in schools? not everyone believes the same thing nor will they ever.

A few days ago
tini marie (=
I don’t believe in water turning into wine and I don’t believe in humans magically appearing.

A few days ago
science and religion do not disagree if you see the metaphorical sense of religious stories

A few days ago
I say present both theories and let the kid decide what to believe.