A few days ago

Does anyone else think that school and teachers are unfair these days?

I mean come on..i cant be the only one out there

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

These days? Sister, life isn’t fair. You’ll find unfair people all through your life. It happens all over. It’s not a new thing.

You’re supposed to learn to deal with it. That’s the real world. A lot of these nancy pants nowadays scream, sue, and basically blame others and never learn how to handle it themselves. Then, they raise these wusses for kids who do the same thing and have this overly inflated sense of entitlement (they usually end up thinking they’ll make 6 figures after college doing nothing). So, grow a pair and learn to deal with it appropriately.

Talk to the teacher about why you think it’s “unfair”? If you’re one of those pussys who have a skewed sense of reality, you may not be able to understand that the teacher really was being fair. If that’s the case, blame your parents and go into therapy. If you’re normal, move up the chain of command. Talk to the principal or school officials. If that doesn’t work, realize you’re only there for a limited time. Move on, become successful, run for office (or have an underling do it) and then change things from the top.


A few days ago
Yes last year I had the most HORRIBLE teacher she was so mean and she had favorites for example she goes to one kid you have 2 weeks to finish this project then to another she goes you have two days.

But this year I’m starting High School so yeah no more evil teacher!


A few days ago
I’m not saying you’re the only one with these views, but personally I think that nowadays kids get away with far more than would ever have been tolerated when I was that age! A great deal of it I attribute to cruddy parenting (parents who would rather sue or scream discrimination than be an active, guiding force in their child’s development) and administrators who have been out of the classroom and are out of touch.

A few days ago
sharon m
When have school and teachers ever been fair to those on the bottom? Only the people on top think life is fair. So what does that say about you? OR ME

A few days ago
duh schools and teachers are unfair. i had a test due the day before reward day (it was on the last week of school) and 5 projects on the second week before school ended. to top it of i had a project that went on next year’s grade!

the teachers also gives out projects/ homework assignments during winter/spring/thanksgiving break πŸ™


A few days ago
Honey, its no better for teachers. It is getting crazy. Your teachers are only doing what they have to to keep their jobs.