A few days ago
Chemistry in 9th grade!?
Okay, I’m in 9th grade (3rd year highschool in our country) and is taking chemistry as my science subject. First quarter is already finished and 2nd quarter has started already.
I feel like I’m gonna fail this subject this quarter, seeing as how I failed my periodical test, and 1 long test. Cards out out will probably be next week or next next week. If I I get a line of 7 in that subject do you think it’s just me not catching up with subject even though I’m trying hard?
It was a total shock to me that I failed my test. My other friend usually fails this kind of subject but she passed and I failed. I don’t know if I’m becoming stupid or something… please help me.
Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Favorite Answer
i dont know what you are asking but you may want to ask the teacher if there is a tutor available. when i didnt understand some of the chemistry i saw a tutor and it helped me to get a A in college chemistry.
A few days ago
Hey, relax. Very few people can get chemistry. In my class there were only two people with A’s. My teacher did get angry, but she said it’s a complex course. She advice to read the concepts (understand the rules) and learn the math inside and out. I did that, busted my hump, and me and someother boy were the only ones who got the A’s. Your not getting stupider, it’s the subject that’s difficult.
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