A few days ago


I was just wondering if there is a way for a child to skip a grade by taking a test.My child is not challenged at school,is very bored in school and test at a high school level on state test. Our school is the magnet school and is supposed to be the most challenging in the state for middle school.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

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I skipped a grade by havng my parents ask the school, simply. I talked to the counsoler, took english and math test, and did it. Unfourtunently, it still was not that challenging. If your kid is good in certain subject areas, you might want to consider excellerating them in those areas instead. Either way is better than not being academically challenged, which in my case, lead to years of complete lazyness.

A few days ago
Have you talked with his teachers about putting your child in classes that match his/her ability? S/He might be able to take a higher level class in some subjects. Or the teachers could give differentiated work, that is, work that would challenge his/her abilities on a higher level than the regular class work.

There are other considerations besides grades. If s/he does skip a grade, all his/her friends will be behind him/her. In addition, s/he will be the youngest one in the class which can have social consquences, especially when s/he goes to high school: Other students will be dating or getting their drivers licenses and s/he will not.

My son had the option to skip a grade and declined. He said he would rather stay with his friends. How does your child feel about skipping a grade and leaving friends behind? Remember, when s/he goes on to high school his/her friends will still be in middle school.

I’m not against skipping a grade, but I think you need to look at the whole child and then discuss the matter with his guidance counselor.


A few days ago
I would look at alternatives to skipping grades. This can put your child at a huge social disadvantage (I know, I’ve been there!). Instead, why don’t you try for a more challenging curriculum? Perhaps some on-line high school classes, then he/she can begin college early too? But, try to keep your child close to his/her peer group.

A few days ago
Yes you would need to talk to the school and see how they handle it. I don’t know of many schools that don’t allow kids to skip up a grade if they are more than ready.

A few days ago
He should be able to skip grades. Ask the student counselor to move him up. You might not want to move him to far though, especially if he’s into sports and extra-curricular activites.