A few days ago

buzy schedule!!! help!?

ok i am in the 7th grade

below is a list of activities i am in or are planning to be in

vice prez for student council(dances/volunteering/etc)

band (percussion)(concerts/parades/field trips)

learn how to play saxophone

learn spanish(not offered at school)

saturday morning bowling league(every week)

middle school bowling(practice tuesday and thursday plus meets on friday)

wanna join track team(hurdles)

homework(all possible honor classes)

currently getting ready to move(soon)

i was wondering what u think i should do to make my schedule less busy

every thing on the list i really wanna do

so what r ur opinions

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Personally, that’s what my schedule looks like for most of the school year. i’d suggest buying a calendar and writing out when everything is & seeing if anything conflicts with another. Certain coaches/teachers may be able to figure something out if they do [such as staying for only half one day so you can attend both]. just remember that you should make sure out of everything to be caught up with all of your schoolwork. im not sure whether your school is like mine, but if we fail we’re out of sports/activities until future notice, & im sure your parents will follow the same rule.

A few days ago
erm, i think that if ur ok with all that going on then u should be fine- i used to do lots of things like that outside school and i was fine with it, but if u think that itd get too busy, and u wouldnt be able to do ur homework etc, then ud have to choose something to drop (personally id drop middle school bowling, cos u already do bowling on saturdays) but u need to decide for urself which one

A few days ago
Jenny L
i think you should take out a calendar and write out your prospective schedule. find out what kind of time commitments each activity has and see if any of them are conflicting. then factor in time for homework each day (maybe an hour and a half) and then factor in some time for tv/relaxation/whatever, and sleep. if everything fits, then you’re good to go.