A few days ago

I am doing a persuasive speech on whhy smoking is bad, how hould I start it ?

I am doing a persuasive speech on whhy smoking is bad, how hould I start it ?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

In a persuasive speech, you generally want to start with a visual. use something that helps grab your audience’s attention. Either use a picture of a smoke damaged lung or describe vividly what it’s like to be a smoker. Ask your audience to consider what it’s like to struggle to catch your breath first thing in the morning, their lungs constricted. Or describe what it’s like to be a cancer patient or to have emphysema. Only after you have made your vivid image of sights, smells and sensations tell them what causes this and how. This pulls your audience into your speech and forces them to become active in it, rather than just half listening.

A few days ago
What are the “good” things about smoking? Can’t think of one. Well we’ll come back to that. ….. Why is smoking bad?

1. components of a cigarette

2. why we start smoking

3. why we continue to smoke

4. why attempts to quit don’t work

5. why you should never start and why you should quit


A few days ago
it might be an aussie thing – but there is this quit smoking poster and its got a guru sitting at the top of a mountain and some one has climbed up there to ask him a question ” what is the secret to quitting smoking? ” the reply ” do it while your still alive ? ”

actually i am now remembering that that may not seen so funny in other countries aussie humour is kind of black .

hope it helps .


5 years ago
With a shocking fact like “If the 30 of you were all smokers, 10 of you would die as a direct result of smoking”..or whatever the statistic is

A few days ago
Dave R
Cough hard for 15 seconds without stopping.

A few days ago
you should do it with statistics and facts, for example. 767890987 million people die each day from lung cancer, this is mainly due to smoking

or if its oral say, who here smokes? well more than half of you will die because of it, or something like that…


A few days ago
scare the crap out of your audience with fact. I think smoking is great. (I don’t smoke). The reason is that it keeps the government from raising taxes on other products, and from taxing the hell out of me.

A few days ago
embroidery fan
“Imagine you are sitting in a small room with one other person. The room gradually fills up with noxious gases. You can barely breathe…”

A few days ago
u see popular ppl using it and its like cool. do u know what that is?