A few days ago
Ms. Nita

Handprints for parents as gifts?

Does anybody have a recipe for indented handprints that harden and then parents can hang them on their walls? They are plaster or some kind of flour or something, my kids used to make them when they were young. I would like to do these in my 2yr old class and I don’t know where to start.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Standard plaster of paris – I’ve included a link

(make sure that the plaster has set up some before attempting to put little wiggly hands in it)



A few days ago
I’ve done it with my out of school club children. Use plaster of paris (dental plaster) You can get it in large tubs from school supply catalogues. Use a dinner size plate (i used a plastic picnic plate). You do need to practice with the consistancy and print the hands quite quickly before it sets too much. I then used a cocktail stick to write the childs name and the date of the print

A few days ago
Nicole E
call a tile company in your area and ask if they would kindly donate 22 or how many tiles you need. then have the children paint their hands with either tempera or other kind of paint and print it in the tile, then seal it with sealer (when kids are gone outside the school) they sell those at michales or other craft stores. The poem in the back, I dont remember very well, it is something about my hands growing or with this hands..you might want to search for a good poem..about growing …Did this many times for mothers day…Good Luck

A few days ago
bob – chicagobob
My wife always used play dough for this stuff. Instead of the kids continuing to play with it she set the hand prints aside to dry and got out more play dough for the rest of the activity.

A few days ago
no but u can get the stuff for it at an arts and craft store

A few days ago
you can use

salt dough

plaster of paris


all shrink a little when dry though


A few days ago