A few days ago
mac t

why is education a factor affecting people’s wants? give examples why?

why is education a factor affecting people’s wants? give examples why?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Education is a factor because it allows you to know about different things that you may not know about . Knowing about something increases your wants.

Education provides most people with a better paying job. You can then afford more things. Knowing you can afford something may increase your wants.


A few days ago
jack of all trades
I would say that the more education you have the more likely you would want books, art, music, production software for your computer rather than entertainment software. You might want or need different clothing for different jobs. You simply become aware of more options and those options affect your desires. Usually too, the more education you have, the more money you are capable of making, so you are able to obtain more wants.