A few days ago
YO Mama

Why do kids HAVE to take spanish in school?

I had to.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

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At the high school I go to, in Illinois, we don’t have to take spanish if we don’t want to. But they say that if we don’t take at least 2 years of foreign language in highschool, then we will probally have to take it in college. And it is much harder in college.

A few days ago
Where do you live? In Ohio, students are required to take a foreign language. The choices are usually Spanish, French and German. There may be more choices depending on the funding the schools receive. I think the requirement starts in middle school, but I may be mistaken.

You may be glad later on that you took Spanish. When you go to look for a job, the more ‘skills’ you have the better off you will be. Speaking another language gets you one step closer to finding a good job with a good salary.


A few days ago
the worr e ore
Now a days there is an option. I took french in high school which was 4 years ago and they only had the option of french or spanish. I guess people had to take spanish because there is a lot of spanish speaking people in our nation. But if you go to richer areas richer schools they have a variety of languages you can choose from.

A few days ago
Besides the fact that students have to study a second language, Spanish is getting more and more world language.

A few days ago
NCIS ♥ Addict
♥ Its supposed to represent the bridging of a variety of different cultures. Its supposed to expand your mind. However most of the time it just makes kids angry that they can’t choose whether they want to or not. Lolz… 🙂 Depending on the school there are different language options: such as Spanish, French, German, etc.

PS~ We had to have 1-2 years to graduate.


A few days ago
Lucky S
It’s always good to study another language, and Spanish will be very useful to you in the future.

A few days ago
You don’t HAVE to take Spanish, there are many other languages

Schools want kids to take a foreign language because it will make live easier when they get older and get a career.


A few days ago
I studied German and it broadened my horizons. I also took some Spanish and need more.

If I am not Bilingual in the State I live in, it cuts Down on jobs available.


A few days ago
I never heard of that before. It shouldn’t be required in my opinion.

A few days ago
students have to take a foreign language to better themselves and studies have proven that speaking a foreign language helps obtain a better career , and often can help students understand their own language better.