A few days ago

Why are there knowledge questions on an IQ test?

knowledge is cultural, regional and temporally based. Knowledge has nothing to do with intelligence. A guy in Texas knows how to saddle a horse does that make him smarter than the rest of the country? Intelligence is the ability to take what you know and make use of it. People thousands of years ago knew a lot less about how nature works but there were still a lot of smart people then, even by todays standards.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Civis Romanus

Favorite Answer

Having recently taken an IQ test to establish my eligibility to become a member of Mensa, I have asked myself the same question. But I think an IQ test does more than measure knowledge alone. It measures the ability to learn, to acquire knowledge and to apply it. It measures the ability to make connections between items of knowledge. It measures the ability to think logically and to solve problems. Surely these abilities transcend mere book learning alone, and cross over into the category of life skills.

A few days ago
IQ tests are politically motivated and prove nothing except stupid people still believe in them. Why not have a bunch of questions about bat poop in caves in Peru?