A few days ago

whats the average yearly salary of a teacher or caregiver/daycare teacher?

anyone know? i’m doing a budget project and i need help lol. if thyre different in all states, i’m trying to find a salary for a job thats in NJ

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s true, Teacher salaries vary from state to state, and also depend on the Teacher’s level of experience, the employment setting, and other factors. In New Jersey, the median yearly salary of a Daycare Teacher is $25,193. And the typical hourly rate of a Daycare Teacher in NJ ranges from $8.52 to $10.75.

To find more accurate salary data for your specific Daycare Teacher position (or to research other Teacher salaries in NJ), you can take a free salary survey at PayScale.com. http://www.payscale.com/?src=yahooA

Hope that helps,

Assistant to Dr. Salary