A few days ago

What to be when i grow up?

Okay I want to be:

a model, photogragher, party planner, fashion designer, or interior designer.

which should I be, and why?

can u tell me how much money each one makes and stuff, ohkay thanks

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

u can make alot of money in any of them, it depends how much work u get and if u work with famous people. u could be more than one of those things at once; you could be a part time model to see if it works out, and a full time fashion or interior designer, or party planner. i think it would be hard to be a photographer at the same time as a model, cuz on america’s next top model one of the girls was a photographer and when she got in front of the camera, she couldnt stop thinking like the photographer. cuz of that, her poses were too stiff and she got kicked off.

A few days ago
uh… a model depends you can be a top model like gisele, tyra or whatever or you can just be a model! but being a model is hard a ot of people quit cause people are too judgemental about everything so you have to be strong and not hurt if someone says you have a big nose even though you dont a lot of people just say that or your too fat too skinny too short!!! blah blah the list goes on!!!! photogropher depends you could make good money though ii dont know exactly party planner yes!!! like if you plan parties for rich people you get paid pretty good! fashion designer depends… interior designer you can get paid really really good cause not everyone has money to pay an interior designer!!!

A few days ago
if all you care about is money then why would it matter which one you want to be?

They all make either really good money or not enough. It depends on degree, location, demand, and most importantly how hard you work and how good you are.

Just go by what you would love doing forever and what you love doing in general. Money shouldn’t be an issue

It’s better to do what you love doing and make no money and be happy than do what you hate doing, make a lot of money and be miserable.


A few days ago
Freelance photography. Maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll get to take a picture that the whole world deserves to see. Damn the money.