A few days ago

what the best way to study?

I’m 26 years old and i’m a college drop out but am going back to school this september.The reason why i droped out was because of my grades and i would like tricks or advice of studying(i have a full time job/35-40hours a week—i have to pay rent).How much time do you spend studying?Do you memorize stuff?What do you guys do to have good grades.I’m freaking out!!!!!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

i recently got my graduate degree. all i’ve been doing the last 10 years is studying it seems. here is some tried and true advice i have found has helped me: never, never miss a class. go in sick if you have to. have a good note-taking system. always write down what the professors writes on the board. make a friend in class and meet up with them before a big exam. see if they have any info you may have missed. don’t be afraid to talk to the professor, but wait until after class if you have some big issues. don’t “challenge” the professor on something their teaching. you may score big with the class, but always remember who’s giving the grade. good luck, you’ll be fine!

4 years ago
Make quick notes ,Practice, Plan neatly,Check for most important subjects,Study textbooks completely,Solve beyond 12 months’s query papers,realize & gain knowledge of the standards,Stress on most important features/formulae,Time your efforts,Stress to your weaknesses,Make agenda,Concentrate good, Donot go away any chapters,Have sufficient sleep,Do now not bypass foods,Don’t lose your peace,Test your reminiscence,Rewrite your notes to help reminiscence, Don’t cram,Find the correct hours. Don’t research whilst you are fairly worn out. It’s bigger to get a well night time’s sleep after learning for a short while, than to push on at 2 within the morning. You may not don’t forget so much and you are prone to see a efficiency drop day after today. ,Different topics name for extraordinary learning,Form your possess questions. ALL THE BEST , HOPE YOU DO WELL ๐Ÿ™‚

A few days ago
The Avatar
Study as if you were going to teach the material to someone else.

Read it. Take notes that show the main points, and how it relates to things you know.

Make an outline for a presentation to teach the material to someone else. Go one better, and lead a study group to ACTUALLY teach it.

At the end of my first year, I had a 1.21 GPA. (4.0 scale) I had no study habits from easy high school work. For the last 6 semesters, I had a 3.9, which FINALLY brought me back up to a average 3.23 GPA! Now I’m the master test-taker for any material. Work related stuff is easy as pie.


A few days ago
just paying attention in class is the best way to do well. In most subjects like science, you’re going to have to understand how something works and once you do that, the names are easy to memorize.

For math courses, just do a couple of problems in each topic and you’re set if you get those right.

For history and language courses, you might have to memorize things but as time goes on things should get better because these things usually have a pattern


A few days ago
Stay on top of it s couple hours a day. Don’t miss a day of at least reviewing. Don’t study for longer than 45 minutes at a time without taking a 15 minute break.

A few days ago
If you ever have free time, tell yourself you have to do atleast one hour of studying before you can do anything else. Make yourself a review sheet for every thing important you read, and highlight. Turn the highlited things into questions and answer them. Then check back in the book.

A few days ago
Lisa C
The best times to study are right before you go to bed and right when you wake up. It’s a proven fact. And it also seems to be when people have to most time. It always works for me. Your memory is fresh when you wake up and there’s nothing else blocking it, and when you go to bed, it’s the last thing you’ll be thinking of and believe it or not your brain thinks when you’re asleep.

A few days ago
Well I always get pretty good grades by going over my notes from class and re-witing them in easy ‘revision-style’ bullet points so that when revising later on… all i need to do is read the notes and it all comes back. As easy as that! The only hard part is finding the time to rewrite all notes.

p.s. precising is really important. i.e. making the bullet point notes short and snappy as so you can read them easily…. write down the key words and phrases.


A few days ago
Ok, so I’m still in school and i find it really hard to concentrate on studying.. so the best way is to just split it up into little chunks if u get wat im sayin…and then kind of tell yourself “i’m gonna get this done in 20 minutes” or wateva and then it will stop u gettin distracted as much….I’m actually meant to be writin an essay not answerin this, so yeah…bye ๐Ÿ˜€

A few days ago
I hate questions that are not complete..what are you studying..since that is not mentioned..all i can come up with is the general rules

1. do your homework daily

2. listen and take notes in class

3.ask questions..ask,ask, ask ,ask

4. your teacher is there to help you..ask

5.stuff that needs to be memorized have to be memorized

what else..you add to this list and e-mail me..id like to know of tricks too