A few days ago

what is the meaning of huqna?

it s a urdu or arabic word

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It is a wonderful little town in at the bend of a river in Jordan. There are probably no more then a hundred people living there. The name means watering hole similar to the word Huqqah that translates water pipe.

Over the centuries shepherds come to the watering hole for the deep cool water and refresh themselves.

The following is US Military Joint Operations Targeting Data. Just in case we have the blow the SH!T out of them in a hurry.

Numele Intreg: Huqna

Numele Intreg (Specific): Huqna

Numele Scurt: HUQNA

Regiune: Africa/Middle East

Tip Nume: V

Nume Descriere: populated place

Text Descriere: a city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work

Clasa: P – Populated Place


(grade): 16.3469


(grade): 32.6783

DMS Latitudine

(grade, minute si secunde): 162049

DMS Longitudine

(grade, minute si secunde): 324042

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM): VD60

Joint Operation Graphics: NE36-14