A few days ago

What Could he do ??????

My sisters boyfriend has CP( Cerabal Pulsey). Anyway he is really smart.He went to U of I and has a masters in sports managment and a minor in leasiure studies, but he cant find a job. He cant really type or write. He can but hes slow. He has had no job for a year. Where can he work??? What do people with disabilities do for a living????

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It’s tough when a person is disabled, because so much of the time, people concentrate on what they can’t do that they fail to see what they can.

A lot of people have less visible disabilities and can get good jobs. Those with readily recognizable disabilities have a harder time of it. It’s not supposed to be this way, but you and I both know that discrimination does exist.

He may have to focus on something at the fringe of his degree field, or he may have to volunteer for a little while, to get “noticed” by the right people.

Businesses are supposed to find ways around the things disabled people can’t do, or can’t do well enough to suit them. There should be a state agency, Rehab Commission, etc., that will be glad to help him find a job. Often, people will work with the Commission when they will refuse to work with individuals.

All the best from a disabled tax preparer and bookkeeper. 😉


A few days ago
I believe this site might be of some help to you. It is the Job Accommodation Network for people with Cerebral Palsy.


I would suggest that you consult with someone at your local office that deals with people who are disabled. Unfortunately, I think that getting a position in the sports field would be almost impossible.

This site lists some jobs that are open in upstate New York for people suffering from cerebral palsy. Comparable jobs might be available elsewhere.

