A few days ago

What are stereotypes associated with: 1 Politicians, 2 Tattooed Persons, 3 Feminists, and 4 Senior Citizens?

Quick! Don’t be shy – this is information that will be used in a school paper addressing common stereotypes. But I need help in finding out what they are! Thanks in advance!

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago
Cookie Monster

Favorite Answer

Stereotypes associated include:

1. They are shady people who are always doing something shady; they are rich snobs who could care less about people.

2. They are bad people; they misbehave frequently.

3. They tie everything to women’s rights, they argue the “because I am a women” issue for everything; they’re lesbians.

4. They are slow and stupid because they are old; they are senile and don’t know what they are talking about.

(Not to say that I agree with any of this)


A few days ago
1: Not sure about that one.

2: Goth, Punk, hardcore?

3: Lesbian/gay

4. hmm…donno


A few days ago
1. rich, mean, coniving

2. punk rocker

3. hillary clinton (i dunno)

4. Really old grannys.


A few days ago
to me,

1: talk alot, never really give a real answer to how to sovle a problem

2: rebel, rockstars, etc.

3: strong character

4: conservative


A few days ago
politicians:crooked. tatooed folks: druggies,/felons feminists:lesbians,seniors: senile

A few days ago
i love you sarah