A few days ago

sophmore valedictorian wanna-be?

I am a sophmore with only one AP class and a gpa of 4.56, and currently 15 in class rank. Do you think I have any chances at the title? And how high could the number 1 student’s gpa be rigth now?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
I <3 Animals

Favorite Answer

Grades are good, but with no extracurricular activities, your application would be the first I throw away, regardless of your GPA. Your barely a sophomore, this is the perfect time to make your last two years the most important. Volunteer work would help too.

A few days ago
Yes you have a chance. Honestly, WOAH a 4.56? Take it easy haha. I’m a sophmore too and our grades current valedictorian has a GPA of 4.2, is in all honor classes and an AP class [our grade only has 1 AP, more open up junior year] she was also a starter on our varisty volleyball, basketball, and softball teams freshmen year [which is extremely hard at our school]. I personally think it’s about being well rounded.

A few days ago
You have a chance, yes. 15’s a good spot, but honestly you want to be in the top five to even be a real competetor. Take more AP classes, be the best you can be, and if you don’t make valedictorian well, at least you’re getting into a great college with all that work you did. πŸ˜‰ My school’s number one is 4.9 (weighted) right now.

By the way, it’s SophOmore. πŸ™‚